yea this sounds just like me

May 02, 2007 12:20

Your sphere is Soldier (Unity in Strength and Action), and your class is Defender (Peaceful, yet Potent).

You are a Shield Bearer.

To be a Shield Bearer is to have great faith in your friends. Though your friends may not turn to you for guidance, they will turn to you when they need something more important... when they need somebody to stick up for them, especially in situations when they might feel vulnerable. You are very much valued by your comrades.

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Your sphere is Guardian (Person of great Love and Altruism), and your class is Defender (Peaceful, yet Potent).

You are a Warden.

To be a Warden is to be the ultimate Guardian. Whether a physical Guardian or an essential Guardian, is up to you. You may be both. To be a physical Guardian is to be a living, breathing testament to the love you carry for a person, or people, whose lives you will always defend if you possibly can. To be an essential Guardian is to be a living, breathing testament to the security that your wards seek, and will look to you for your always kind, always nurturing support.

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