My (Phil) lecture today WAS cancelled, it wasn't just us assuming so because he didn't turn up after half an hour.
However, class tomorrow is also cancelled. This gives me a dilemma (as it is the only class I have tomorrow. ONE HOUR OF CLASS.). I want to come see some awesome kids (one, well, two, in particular) but I could go sleeping in... Aaaaaaaaah, fuckit. I need to go to the library anyway, so when you go to class, I shall go there. Problem solved. I am still coming to uni.
P.S: Why am I having consistent headaches? Or rather, continuous ones? Ow, man, just ow.
And also. I sort of bagged out a human via LJ earlier. Whups.
And. If you want giggles/laughing your face off, seriously, check alittleawkward out. It's not always great, but somethings just make me laugh my face off. Seriously. Like this one: The first one just had me slapping the table. Such a great pick me up.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... It's cold and I broke my iPod earphone and I haven't seen my dad since last night when he yelled at me for standing in the wrong spot and I keep forgetting to put stuff out for washing so I'm not sure if I have clean pants for tomorrow (hoorays) (although I could wear a skirt, though that means navigating stockings) and it's cold and I just don't like my sister (have you listened to Alanis' Sister Blister? Yeah) and my downloading music thing isn't working so I want to kick some butt and I am failing to understand some precepts of courses (although I understand the "was it he" instead of "was it him", though I also feel like a giant DICK for that) and my head hasn't stopped hurting for days and I smell (figuratively, although probably literally by now, I don't fuckin' know) and my dog is making lots of noise and so are my siblings and hoorays for stream of consciousness!