Mar 16, 2011 09:55
I am happy that I do not have children in school right now. I would not be pleased to have them coming home from school and telling me that I am not a patriot, or that I do not believe in freedom and the American way.
About 15 years ago I took a class in the US Constitution required for my BA degree. It went rather deeply into the arguments and compromises that were required in order to get a working document passed. There were factions then, diametrically opposed to each others' points of view, yet they worked it out in time to draft the Constitution. It was that document which made us a nation at last and gave our people the united strength to hold on against the British during the 1812 and later when the British took sides with the Confederacy.
We have been through a lot as a nation, and have managed to hang on. Hopefully we will weather these latest storms from WITHIN and emerge the stronger for it.
I keep in mind Superman's slogan: "TRUTH, JUSTICE, and the AMERICAN way".
tea party,