Mar 12, 2009 09:23
I suppose I should blog about something in the real world for a change, even
though it depresses me to even think about it.
But yes, i do live in N-Ireland, and yes there has been 3 shootings by the
IRA this week - the first time a police officer has been shot for 10 years
and also 2 British soliders, and the 2 Polish boys who were delivering their
pizza at the time!
Firstly, can i say that as always, the media is blowing everything out of
proportion. Yes, it is very upsetting to the people here what has happened,
but I have been getting texts from people in America asking if i'm ok
because of what they've seen on the news, and how awful it must be living
here. Well no, to be honest nothing has changed other than the fact that
people are talking about it constantly, rumours are starting that the
loyalists are going to attack this place or that place in revenge, people in
my work are talking about not going to certain bars or areas because of the
fear of being shot or blown up.... Its draining the life from me. The more
people fear and the more people talk, the more bad energies they are
putting out to the universe and in turn things will definitely get worse!
The same with the constant talk about the recession...if the media and
people would just SHUT UP about it for 5 mins, maybe it wouldn't keep
getting so bad. Maybe some people would call this "putting your head in the
sand" but i'd much rather bury my head and live in a positive way, than
constantly spew negativity from my mouth.
And if the troubles do start here again, I'll just leave. I have no quams
about moving to a secluded beach in Spain or somewhere, now i have my
Reflexology I could easily get a job out there. I have fell back in love
with this country over the last 10 years, it was an ok place to live but if
it does go back to how it was when i was a teenager in the early 90s, then
i'll just leave. And i think a lot of people will be in the same position.