Dec 25, 2006 17:40
Nope, I guess I haven't been doing much hristmas singing lately.
I am however very happy to wish you all a Merry Christmas,
Happy Chanukka, Crazy Quanza, Auspicious Solstice or whichever
particular tradition-specific or non-sectarian seasonal greeting
you are most comfortable receiving at this time of year.
.....I'm sure we have all been running around like chikens with their roosters cut off, but I thought I would state for the record just how wonderful it has been to spend even a little bit of time with those of you who I had the chance to chill with for periods of half-hours during the course of the past few weeks.
Special thanks to the gang for the spoils during the pot luck on that very auspicious friday.
What an amazing book! The waterfall is a meditation-room-waiting-to-happen, especially in combination with the two mini-kits! The serving dish will be perfect for a variety of situations, of which I know a very good one coming up at the pivot-point of the calendar!!!
...And in general I am grateful for all of you.
I miss my Debbie, who is now in Winnipeg, but she's having a merry Christas too, so I don't feel so bad about that.
Now I'm off to bring some christmas cheer to my Baba... catch you all soon!