My cats....

Mar 02, 2010 17:41

So, at one point I had 6 cats. Here's the entry where I detail each one's entrance into my life and such. I've been meaning to do this for a while.....

Edit: I've had a hard time doing this post. I wanted to, so that I'd be showing off my past Babies, but I worry for them and hope they are OK. I want to take them all back, but 6 cats is a shit ton of work. I remember taking care of them while I was living in 2 places at once (not sleeping at apt #2 due to the horribleness that had happened there), working full-time and only really hanging out there 1 day a week due to my schedule (during which I cleaned my butt off!!) It brings back lots of nostalgia and happiness. :-)

So, let's start in order.

Evie (Evlyn)
I begin my cat inheriting with Evie. I inherited Evie from Linda - the girl I moved into the trailer with when I first moved out of my parent's home. Evie picked me. She normally ran from people, but she came right up to me and wouldn't leave me alone. Mind you, before Evie - I thought I was a dog person, not a cat person. So, I tried to keep thinking of this cat as Linda's - not mine. Evie was given to Linda by Kim, a girl who had another big cat and was looking to move. She thought of Evie was a waste, and didn't want her. Evie wanted me, not Linda. So, I kept her. Linda ended up getting Autumn (I'll include a picture of her too)
Evie's a Maine Coon :-) and is going to be 7 in about oh...10 days. She's got an extra bone in her front leg, has tissue paper thin skin (you'll see pictures of when she had her cone *a.k.a. Sunday Bonnet because she has a black necklace naturally and her front legs look like gloves. Plus when she sits it looks like she has a poofy skirt! <~I don't have a picture of this Sunday Bonnet....which is a good thing because I bet if I posted one, it'd be bad vuju!*, has an extremely small head, large eyes and ears and tiny nose and mouth. She's lost a tooth, right in the front and I think it's adorable. Sometimes she purrs so loud she has to open her mouth to breath!! It's mad cute.

When I first got her, she was incredibly skittish and wouldn't let anyone touch her. She was so skittish that I'd usually just keep her in my room. I then moved to my second apartment (where the other cats come in) and she came out of her shell a bit. She had more room, plus a new cat (Baby-Girl Cat who isn't mine, never was, though I did take care of her for 6+ wks :-) ) to play with. (I'll include a picture of her too if I can)

Now, she hangs out in the living room of my current apt (#3), as well as the kitchen (she has a bed on the table to keep her from burrowing into coats), lets anyone pick her up, isn't skittish and has done a complete turn around. She's my wonder baby, my favorite (hence why I kept her), I can't imagine life without this kitten.

             :-)  This one ~~> is Baby-Girl Cat. She's more of a tortiseshell colored cat/money cat. 
   This one ~~~> is Autumn, Linda's cat: *She was in heat which is why she looks funny, but this is airplane cat...)

Satie (Sativa)

Satie started out life as Purple Haze (a.k.a. Haze). Well, long story made short, when my ex boyfriend finally left (the state) he left her with me and I wanted her name to rhyme with the rest (ending in a long e sound). Haze sounded too much like HEY! and it really made her an angry cat. She was called the bipolar bitch cat, and it was a truth. However, she really mellowed out, and you could see a personality coming out that wasn't hurtful.
When I renamed her, you wouldn't believe the improvement. She became a cat, not a terror. She now lives with others (all boys, even the other cat is a boy) and she loves it from what I hear, she was the 2nd of my 5 that I had to place.
I'd had her since she was 5wks old, she used to crawl up on my chest and sleep under my chin between my clavicles. Her purr was like a tiny popcorn maker, it was adorable. She'll be turning 4 this March.

 (That's Zach - the only person I've seen her crawl into their lap willingly!!!)


Kuli (Kulicka)

This is my 420 baby. She was deposited outside my apartment (#2) on April 20, by two college guys who dropped her and ran. A friend (who ended up moving in when I had 4 cats, and brought her own cat Sushi - also will include pictures of him!)  and I went and found her and brought her inside. At this point I only had Evie and Satie (then named Haze), and surprise surprise Kuli fit right in! Kulicka is Czech for marble. I'm not sure how old she is, but she had had a litter of kittens when I found her (she still had milk), but wasn't acting like she was trying to find her kittens, so I think they were old enough (it's what I'm still telling myself.).She stayed an indoor cat until I found a roommate for my apt - who had a dog (9lb Chihuahua named Bandit that scared all the cats- one stayed on the washer!) - left doors open. Kuli would leave, but would come back - I ended up leaving her at that apt since she seemed happy and everyone there loved her.

 She has a boyfriend!!! That that's Sushi - the b&w one.

Here's a great picture of Kuli and my dearly departed friend Holly. R.I.P. Little Baby - I think of you Everyday.

Schnookie (Space Sergant Schnookums)

Schnookie was dropped off on the YMCA workout center desk at 5am sharp. My desk. She had no home, her mom and siblings had been taken to the Humane Society the day before, and she managed to get away. She's also a purebred Maine Coon - and I kept for her a year. She was HUGE when she left, I learned that her name is now Melody, because she sings. She belongs to Sylvia and Jack MOOSE.

:-) I thought that was so appropriate as she's a Maine Coon, and they're talking about going to North Carolina and wanting a Maine souvenier. She was such a sweet girl, everyone said she was their favorite. She was the first one I had to place elsewhere.


Lady (Lady Bug)
Lady was a 10 year old matron when I got her. She had a broken back, couldn't walk and was so severely angry. I fixed that. She was running, playing tag, jumping on furniture and being happy (like cuddling, snuggling, purring, kneeding, the works). The girl that gave me her and Teddy (mentioned below) ended up taking them back (Well, I forced her. I couldn't keep them, I was moving out, they were the last things to go and the animal shelter I tried wouldn't take them - so she took them back. Temporarily, because she was in a non-friendly cat zone.) There's not much to say about her really, without me getting choked up.


 <~ The first time she's been in a window since her accident 4 years before I got her!!!

 <~ She couldn't do that when I first got her, she had to have a plate of water, not a bowl.

 <~ This was sent to me the day it happened. This was the first time Lady had jumped up into a chair. Holly sent it to me on my phone, she was looking after them while I was gone for Christmas.

Teddy (Teddy Bear)
The one boy in the house. He looked just like Lady, was 10 as well, they were life mates. Such a sweet personality - but was terrified of the 9lb Chihuahua. Spent all his time on the washer. Wouldn't go to the litter box if the dog was home. It was so sad. But before Bandit moved in, he would run thru the house keeping all the ladies in check. It was so cute, he'd have his tail straight up except for the tip and he'd troop thru the apt on a mission -- only to be seen 2 seconds later tearing thru the house to get away from one of the girls. :-) He couldn't get enough love and had such a bad habit of shoving his butt in your face.....but all ya had to do was flip him, and he loved it!!

I'd like to think that Lady and Teddy, when they were dropped off on the Bangor Animal Shelter's lawn, were given homes. But Lady's back, and both of their ages may have been grounds for them to be put down. Either way, I just hope that they are in a better place.


Best of Life Fuzzy Babies, no one holds you closer to their heart than I.
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