1. We have spent over four years with Wilson referring to House as 'House' whenever he spoke to him, so WHY THE HEY DOES HE SUDDENLY ADDRESS HIM (albeit in writing) AS GREG? MY HEAD HURTS. CANNOT COMPUTE. Unless there were some sort of shenanigans involved in his use of the name. Hang on, was he with Amber this time last year (given that they showed the Christmas episode in January due to the strike)? She could have written the card *clutches at straws*
2. Wilson's tale of 'Irene Adler' was hilarious (especially his choice of name - clearly neither Taub or Kutner has read Sherlock Holmes...) The way he told the tale reminded me a little of when he was telling the documentary team in 'Ugly' that House was a Wiccan.
3. The minute Kutner said he wasn't bullied at school, I knew he was the bully.
4. Foreman and Thirteen. Hmm. I still can't decide about Thirteen - I liked her in this episode and she actually didn't do anything to make me cross with her. Foreman is similar, now I come to think of it - I always like(d) him, but he has moments of being very arrogant and/or pompous. Perhaps they'll be good for each other.
5. House and Wilson and Cuddy having a conversation together was great, but nowhere near long enough.
6. Isn't sixteen old enough that a doctor should discuss your possible pregnancy with you alone, not in front of your parents?
7. Please don't talk to me about the parthenogenesis thing, although YAY CLINIC PATIENTS (and I loved inhaler!lady).
8. I still can't decide what I think about Cuddy potentially adopting the baby - what if any of the grandparents change their minds? What about the baby's father? It all seemed a bit too convenient to me.
I might like this episode more on a second viewing, but my overriding emotion now is dissatisfaction, possibly because I was so discombobulated by 'Greg' on the gift :/
It did amuse me that House was wearing Wilson's tie with no reference being made to it by either of them.