I made these a few weeks ago and have been playing with them on and off. I mentioned them to Dee and said that I might post a few pictures, and she encouraged me :D
(click on the pic for a larger one - you can't see their faces so well in the smaller version)
House was fairly easy to make, but Wilson was a total pain. I don't know what it is about his face that doesn't translate well to Simitude, but it's annoying!
Incidentally, the reason for lack of walls in these pictures is because my laptop has a weedy graphics card and I am trying to save it from overheating as it tries to draw all the crap lovely things that I have used to decorate the House-Wilson house.
For anyone who wants to know a little about how Sims work:
Each Sim has their own task bar, like this:
The idea is to get your Sims to do things that satisfy their basic needs (Hunger, Bladder, Fun and so on) plus things that satisfy their Wants (in Wilson's case he wants to talk to, kiss and play with House...) Each Sim also has a Lifetime Want - if you fulfill that, the Sim goes into permanent platinum status, i.e. very happy indeed, which is a Very Good Thing. That doesn't stop them being upset if one of their Fears happens though (in Wilson's case this includes the death of House). There are also skills that each Sim can learn, e.g. Logic, Cooking, Creativity. You can either tell your Sim what to do or let it do whatever it feels like doing (which can have mixed results, as we will see).
I started off making House and Wilson as students, because it's much easier to build skills and make friends there. They attended university at the same time but lived in different dorms and conducted their early relationship by phone. Once their friendship was at maximum level, House invited Wilson over for a date. The first thing they did after greeting each other was have a pillow fight:
The silly idiots are standing in the road... Fortunately they didn't get run over.
I told them to go indoors and do a bit of flirting, which resulted in True Love:
The red things over their heads are the love hearts which signify that they are very keen on each other.
I decided to let them do what they wanted, next, which resulted in this:
House is lolling about on the couch and Wilson has decided it's time to do some homework! What a thrilling and exciting date! After cries of "What the hell are you two doing?" on my part, and an instruction to House to get things moving, this happened:
House has just kissed Wilson's hand, resulting in a mock swoon, and not (as it appears) Wilson's neck breaking spontaneously. After that, I left them to their own devices, and Wilson went into a random student's room, so I made House go after him.
That's right, House - invite Wilson over and then abandon him while you play on the computer... *eyeroll*
After getting House to join Wilson on the couch and indulge in a little cuddling...
...they got the idea!
In Part Two (coming soon to an LJ near you): House and Wilson set up home together and seek employment, then decide to start a family. Who will get the coveted Chief of Staff job at the local hospital? Will the new neighbours come to visit? Will House get abducted by aliens?