Vancouver 2009

Mar 18, 2009 09:50

it's been awhile, so I thought it was about time to post my pictures from my trip to Vancouver (and Seattle) back in February.


+ seeing a dear friend after a few months
+ sleeping in and getting some love and cuddles from a dear kitty
+ the mountains and the ocean (yes yes yes! both about a 2 minute walk from my residence for the week)
+ cupcakes, cookies and ice cream (all from the same street, about 3 stores apart, yum!)
+ the trees at Stanley Park
+ the aquarium
+ road trip to the evergreen state
+ waiting 1 1/2 hours to get over the boarder and taking photos and videos to pass the time
+ pike place market
+ 1st ever starbucks
+ anthropologie (<3)
+ best mac n' cheese known to man
+ yet another road trip to Whistler and wishing I had more time to try snowboarding
+ the most lovely weather. i wore my winter jacket most of the time, but I was also over heated because of it most of the time
+ good laughs and good times every day

i forgot to mention the palm trees!

the mountains I was talking about


this little guy was rescued and his little fin is a wee bit mangled <3

super impressed

more cool trees

on our way to Whistler

little treasures found on our walk along the sea wall

ocean + moutains = magic

this is what happens when you have to wait 1 1/2 hours in a car

evergreen state

our hotel

my e.t. finger strikes again

little kid on a big ball in front of the space needle...

the market - how I wish we could have brought over some seafood with us on the way home...

best mac n' cheese ever (oh how my lactose intolerant body loved me after this one hehe)

no need for an explanation on this one

way too excited for starbucks

the end

Highlights for the near (or not so near) future:

+ going to Erie, PA with my mom this weekend for a little get away AND to see the New Kids (yes I am bringing my mom)
+ going to Niagara Falls, NY the following weekend to see the New Kids
+ graduating in a mere 3 weeks (BA here I come!)
+ spring
+ incubus are coming in July and I am seriously pumped
+ no doubt, have never seen them in concert
+ moving and changing roomies
+ I have a flickr account and I need to reorganize some things, but I hope it inspires me to take more photos...we shall see
+ sewing class once I am done the craziness that is school

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