Mar 30, 2008 02:10
I really miss the stars
While we were learning about the stars, Captain Beth said they would be our "Celestial friends" and we all kind of laughed at her. But now that I'm home, away from the boat, I look up and it is like looking up at friends. The few stars that can be seen this close to the new york city lights and with trees and houses around are very comforting, but I miss really seeing them and seeing them all the time.
On an unrelated note, one day we were all shooting local apparent noon and once we had all decided that yes the sun was in fact sinking again and walked away with out numbers, Beth shouted "Happy post-meridian!" Love her. She was a really awesome captain.
On another unrelated note, whenever we had all hand get togethers where we were toasting anything, we would toast, then pour one glass over the side for Neptune, then we'd all drink from our own glasses.