Thank you!

Jul 10, 2007 07:51

Thanks girls for all your kind thoughts and prayers. We are doing great. It was busy for me; doing her rosary, spending time with David's family, and at work...I was short staffed and now I'm training so my work is so behind.
On top of that, Novalie's party is next weekend so a lot of catching up to do. We were undecided on her party. David doesn't know if it's right, but since its for Novalie and my MIL knew how much she has been anxious for the day to come, we will make a small celebration. Plus, I already have tons of things for it.
June 30th was my 23rd B-day and it was very nice. My honey got me a lot of clothes and then we went out to dinner and ate at Bambi's. It was good but not for everyone... hehe.
We are slowly going back to normal. This in my house are chaos. Our drainage for our laundry floods everytime we used it, so that is out of commision. David made a mess and got angry so I think he made it worst.

July 1st, Leilah said "MaMa" for the first time!!! I was so excited. Great b-day gift from her. Now she calls me EVERYTIME! lol

Sunday night, I started practicing on Novalie's castle cake. It came out pretty good, Novalie and David loved it, so hopefully it turns out better for her party.
My computer at home broke (well, got a virus) so I am not able to upload the pictures off my camera to take new ones. I need to SO BAD, its in the process of getting fixed so hopefully I can take some pictures soon.
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