I haven't blogged much recently...

Sep 30, 2009 10:38

...Because I've been crazy ace busy. It's all good. Well, that's not true. Some of it has been rubbish, which is mainly the fault of my concentration span and extraordinary need for more sleep than any other human on earth. Still, I feel like I'm getting in the swing of balancing life, gigs, work and uni and I'm hoping that I'll be able to make the most of all of them. I've pretty much accepted that I just won't have much of a life for the next two years, but I'm down with that. It'll mean I'll be so elusive people will be dead excited to see me when I emerge from the Batcave Basement.

So, I'm off to spend the rest of the morning getting Stuff done, then an afternoon writing then an evening of reading. I feel like every hour is accounted for at the moment, which I really like - I feel like I've got more of a purpose than I've had in ages. It's like when Diana discovered charity work.

Also, I had my first walk-out. Someone was offended by my material. I think it was funny. Yeah? Funny. *laughs weakly and looks over shoulder for scary girl*

Right. Stuff. See you kids in 2012.

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