i am so wealthy i shit out gucci suits

Feb 24, 2006 02:06

every little once a while some self-important twat climbs onto their livejournal soapbox and begins to rant about certain things that they deem worthy of the world's readership. today that self important tawt is me.
here are said rants (disguised as questions) concerning what i consider to be two strange trends in the world at late:

1. what is with people, particulary young women, with a certain degree of the wealth dressing like ridculous unwashed hobos? in more exact terms, why the grey sweatpants tucked into the ugg boots topped with a rakish mop of greasy flyaway hair? it seems to me that they can afford to not give a shit.

i blame the olsen twins. those dreaded anagram scourges of the straight-to-video entertainment worlds. they always look both hungry and grubby, don't you think?

but ugg boots- i have been meaning to rant about those. perhaps i already have. i know i do all the the time in my head. can someone please explain their elusive appeal to me?! why, from one shoe lover to the rest of the world, would a woman spend so much on something that makes her legs look short and her ankles fat?!


i am not suggesting we go back to the time of wearing matching hat-and-gloves to buy groceries. i am all for the comfy. however, may we please bathe? and please do our laundry? and maybe, if we are good, WEAR A PAIR OF REAL GODDAMNED SHOES?!

thank you.

2. music stores that now sell more dvds than cds. this is getting ridiculous. i know that dvds are far more profitable, and this isn't some ridiculous "i work for a video store and thus claim movie-selling superiority" emotional thing.

this is, however, a "i wanted to spend some serious money on extending my music collection but i can't because you'd much rather carry a thousand copies of weekend at bernie's" emotional thing.

dear music world and HMV- you have made your fortunes carrying sweet tunes to the great unwashed. why are you denying me my booty-shaking themes? WHY?

or maybe it's me. they did have, like, a zillion celine dion albums.
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