(no subject)

Apr 11, 2007 20:00

Funny how poggs was advertising some jobs at his place today, I've upped my job search today. Worked from 8 till 6.00 as had major delays due to stupid cow who gets paid more than me to ditch a presentation on me at last minute and keep interrupting me (how fucking professional) as she didn't understand/had questions about HER OWN FUCKING PROCESS. The project Managers who I was presenting to actually had done their homework, so I was wasting breath on asides on stupid non-essential blurb which could have been done off line, as I needed to keep it short and top line due to dealing with her crappy HR issues, which kept me there so freaking late. Seriously, what the hell am I doing there if any moron can be given the job? How can one be employed in a role which requires HR skills, project development skills, systems and development skills, JIT buying skills and the ability to communicate in an affective manner when the only skill they posess is the "sit on your arse gossiping to old workmates" skill? I find it freaking hard to hit my own targets due to that dried up hag, yet get no let up for it even though my boss has even admitted that "she's from finance, untrainable tosser$1, untrainable tosser$2, untrainable tosser$3 and untrainable tosser$4 are all form finance, what do you expect?" yet he still expects me to pull a rabbit from my ass with her. And it affects my bonus, so currently feeling quite hacked off with the whole thing.

Oh well feeling a bit better for a rant back to job search...
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