Feb 24, 2007 00:00
i feel as though i never have anything substantial to write anymore, but i still write in here more than i have in the past few months. hmm...i saw a movie called delicatesan or something like that and netflix said it was oh so amazing, but it wasn't, just french. i'm so lazy, as per usual. im trying to pick up a few new hobbies, i have some good ideas and picture distorting programs. this song reminds me of taking showers in 187 hodge, and the month of may.things moved really fast these past twelve months. its too freaky to think about so i try not to. when i do though, i think about the moments and feelings that i though would last forever, but they're pretty much fading and im not really sad about it. for some reasoni had the urge to listen to tom petty. am i old? i think im old.and when i think that i get nostalgic, and when i get nostalgic i get happy, but in a sad way.i dont want to be a grown up...and thats the only thing left really, or i'm probably already there.i decided ill be a bad wife and a bad mom...i hate cleaning and i hate cooking. i like babies but i know ill get sick of dressing her up and doing her hair, and i would just leave her to cry and never feed her and let her get eaten by huge bugs.maybe i should go out tonight. the killers are so good and not just because we live in the same town.alec baldwin called me today. no maybe i should go out tomorrow they play good music at the beauty bar. theres a club at the mirage which is beatled themed on thursdays they have british invasion night and they play goooooooood music and im really excited to go, but i'm afraid there is a huge cover.im hungry and obsessed with snack wraps.everytime i do clothes it takes me at least 4 days and then it all ends up ont eh floor again. can i get help for this? why couldn't my mom passed down the cooking/cleaning genes? ok goodnight.