But this... couldn't possibly be right... [Complete/Open]

Jun 02, 2008 16:17

Characters: Dr. Cid, Tron Bonne
Content: The good doctor wakes in rubble, but he doesn't manage to stay awake for long.
Location: Around Houston and Bowery's junction.
Time of day: Noonish
Warnings: Cid is extremely confused D: And very, very out of it. Probably creeping out Tron.

Death was a peculiar thing, he thought. The mist had swarmed around his body, and the weakness that he had felt wasn’t as bad anymore - but maybe that was because his body was so far gone at this point. He didn’t want to look at Ffamran’s face any longer, anyway. Such a fool… Cid had given the boy the power of a judge and yet the boy had run, and run, and run… Now shouldn’t be any different. Go and be off. Don’t watch an old man’s last breaths; though Cid was glad to still be standing.

The only one he wanted to remain was Venat; the Occuria had hardly left his side in these six years. They were allies. Coworkers. He hoped that Venat would be able to finish off their goals; he would find someone to make it happen. Their plans were already underway… it wouldn’t be much longer now…

He didn’t quite remember if he had closed his eyes; he remembered an overwhelming surge of power, that for a moment he thought he could pull up his guns again and fight. But then there was a pain of something digging sharply into his back, and he was cold as though he should be dead, but there was water dropping onto his head, and he opened his eyes to see more water rolling down his glasses. It was raining? A mist storm didn't bring rain with it...

He sighed and tried to move, not quite registering yet that this wasn’t Pharos - his great scientific mind had trouble catching up. How strange. Perhaps it came from dying? Or, nearly dying.

Out of habit, he called out, “Venat?” as if the Occuria would put to rest his woes and nerves, and then this would suddenly make sense. He climbed shakily to his feet, swayed, and then stumbled against a shattered wall and pile of rubble behind him, looking up at gray skies with confusion. Not Pharos, and Venat was nowhere in sight. Logic tried to make sense of things, but there was a bit of a problem when the facts pointed toward him being dead, and he wasn’t much a believer in an afterlife.

Yet here he was, a place completely different, and perfectly alive, save for some pained joints from being on the ground far too long, but that could be from his old age.

… Just what was going on then, hmm…?

He forced himself to move on, despite his body’s protest. “Seems I’ll have to make our plans on my own, Venat. Find something new? A bit of food for thought?” He scrunched his eyes, looking unsettled. Maybe now he’d turn into the babbling fool everyone always assumed him to be. He groaned a bit, pressing a hand to his forehead, and pausing as he stumbled into the middle of the road.

The rain really wasn't helping his mood.

dr. cid, tron bonne

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