Characters: Billy Kaplan, J, whoever else shows up?
Content: Billy needs a new cape. Guess who volunteered to go with him.
Location: Starting at the clubhouse and um. Going from there. Somewhere.
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: None so far
I would be Awesome Man )
He'd managed to leave only with his reassurance that he wasn't going to be on his own and that if anything potentially lethal - or, okay, severely ... slightly harmful in any way looked like befalling him he'd magic himself out of there as quickly as he could, but nobody had seemed very pleased about it and he felt kind of bad.
But he needed a new cape. None of his teammates really understood - well, no; Temeraire at least was pretty enthusiastic about capes, but he'd probably end up pressing for Billy to use something way more ornate than he needed or wanted. Everyone else just thought capes were dumb.
Not that J wasn't liable to spend the entire time making fun of him, but it was easier to take from someone who wasn't actually on his team and in the habit of making fun of his cape on a regular basis.
Between Billy's body language and the tune J could pick up, it was easy to see something was bothering the young Healer. He slung his bat easily over one shoulder and walked with the teen. "Penny for your thoughts," came the casual offer.
"I, uh ... I guess you can take your pick between I've made my brother run away and I fail healing forever," he said, affecting a resigned, sarcastic sort of casualness about it.
"Well when you put it like that," he raised an eyebrow. "I'll take healing for two hundred, Alex."
"Uh," he said at last. Articulate. "You know I mentioned the guy tried to set me on fire? I ... me and Sora were trying to heal him. And he -" Billy winced. "I don't know, he ... didn't want us to - he wouldn't let us. And so we ... didn't." He'd slowed down a little, like he couldn't think about this and walk quickly at the same time. "Sora killed him. I helped ... I helped kill a guy I was supposed to be healing."
And then Billy started explaining things, and J slowed down to keep pace with him - and stopped completely, just for a beat, at Billy's final words. No wonder the kid was having such a tough time of it.
"You know," he said after a few seconds of silence, "somethin' I've learned in my line of work is, you can't help someone who doesn't wanna be helped. Just doesn't work out. And from what you're tellin' me, it sounds like this guy really didn't wanna be healed, 'specially if he set you on fire to make his point." He paused, finding it tough to think that anyone would want to be a monster, but...well, it took all types, and that wasn't what he was focusing on right now.
"Lemme ask you this: if things hadn't gone south, what would you and Sora have done?"
"... Yeah. He really, really didn't want to be healed. But ... we could've knocked him out, and then healed him - That's what we were trying to do ..." He hoped so, anyway - Sora hadn't seemed nearly as affected by the whole thing as Billy was, though. "It just ... got out of hand."
"Okay," he continued, "so if you'd managed to knock 'im out and heal 'im, then what? If he wanted to be a monster so bad, wouldn't he just go out an' get bitten again? D'you really think you could've kept that close an eye on 'im, kept 'im from doin' it again?"
He stopped, hesitated for just a minute. He honestly couldn't figure where he stood on this - it was heavy stuff to talk about - but right now his priority was getting Billy back on an even keel.
"I'm not sayin' killin' him was...this ain't a 'way to go,'" he clarified. "But...maybe it was the lesser of two evils. You know what I'm sayin'?"
He looked at the ground and took a deep, unsteady breath. "... Maybe it was," he conceded, and if there ever was a disappointed-sounding admission that was it.
Didn't sound like he was too happy with them either, if that second sentence was anything to go by. J sighed and put an arm around Billy's shoulders, trying to be supportive if nothing else. "Doesn't make it any easier, huh."
He managed half a smile. "It's those gray areas that just mess things up." Oh, he knew all about that. "But," he looked over at Billy, "sounds t' me like you're doin' the best you can. Can't imagine anyone'd fault you for that."
"Right." That was a welcome change of subject if there ever was one, followed by a bit of a grin. "We're s'posed to be gettin' you a glorified bedsheet."
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