Plesant Company

Aug 27, 2009 16:29

Characters: Shikamaru and Kang
Content: An offer and an idea.
Location: The bar.
Time of day: Backdated a few days. Days after Zero's announcement.
Warnings: None.

Such a Drag... )

kang, nara shikamaru

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troubledshadow August 28 2009, 03:35:32 UTC
"Zero, and others, are a loose cannon. And that Piano fellow was right about who has the power in this government-less island," Shikamaru said plainly. It was unfortunate, that the society was driven by who could command the most power. However, there was a very easy answer to this equation.

"That's why I want to make a government. Simple and easy to work with one. Reign in some order to this chaos. A few contenders that could, if they wished, create a power play for complete control. Each balancing each other, allowing for some things, like capitol punishment, to be out of the hands of single person in a mask." Shikamaru took a sip from his drink.

"Simple set-up, 12 people, each with a vote on certain more worldwide issues. Those on there will support the actions of the group in the eyes of the public. Keep CARP from resurfacing, keep people calm. A strong face for the least human of us is, well, you." Shikamaru was entirely honest and forthright. The attack on Central Park worked, it worked partially to how Kang could handle strategy. If anyone would be a positive voice for this, it would be Kang.


bozakcommander August 28 2009, 05:08:07 UTC
"Raiel," Kang said almost absently, informing Shikamaru of what his friend's name was. "You've thought this through. Didn't expect any less from you, though, after working with you on the Central Park mission."

He took a drink from his beer after thanking the server, "I do agree; the anarchy needs to come to an end, before someone does something irreparable." Like Lelouche. "Who else did you have in mind for this council besides me?"


troubledshadow August 28 2009, 05:48:49 UTC
Shikamaru pulled a folder of pages, printouts from the harddrive. "We've already contacted a few of them. Two of them proved less than easy to find."

Shikamaru placed the pages so each photo could be seen, "You're a prime choice because of your involvement with most of the big operations, you are the best face to put on there for a non-human. I mean no insincerity with that, but its how it is. Ms. Brea is in, as the head of our mock-up police force and the river crossing plot, she is another prime choice. Aerith has taken a commanding role of Healers. Which given things as they are makes her important."

He paused a moment, to move to the next set of files, "'Chieftan' commands a certain respect from several members of the community to prove very... morale boosting. Mr. Stark brought the command of a number of super-powered individuals with very little effort. His armor is also a pretty powerful force from reports. However, he's been a bit hard to track down for this, we're working on it. Two members of the actual government of this island have been found. Two volunteers that run the Madison Square supply center are also in. Leaving the last three spots to... less than wanted members, but it would be improper without them."

"First is two members of CARP, they did manage to command enough power we want them close enough that they either learn we're on their side or we can spot their attack before it gets a chance to grow," Shikamaru kept a steady tone and a calm demeanor, as was his way, he revealed the page for Lelouch "The last spot going to Zero. He commands a powerful group, like CARP it makes more sense for them to be on our side with some control. Hard to plot in the shadows when we force them them into the spotlight." He took another sip, "That's just about it to the plan. Well, the nutshell version."


bozakcommander August 29 2009, 06:43:12 UTC
"No offense taken. I'm very well aware of my... unique appearance in Manhattan," Kang chuckled, looking over each file as Shikamaru showed them even though he had his own copy on his laptop. "Ms. Brea and Aerith, very good choices. They're both very capable women. Chieftain and Mr. Stark, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet."

He didn't even react to seeing Lelouche's picture in Zero's file; he'd known for a while the masked figure's identity, but had had no reason to make it public knowledge yet. "Glad to see that I'm not the only one that picked up on him," he tapped the picture with a claw, taking a drink of his beer. "I'm also glad to see that CARP is willing to cooperate with us on this."

Shaking his head slightly the bozak leaned back in his chair, "I'm not sure if I've told you what my, ah, job is back on my world."


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