Friend, never forgotten. (Narrative/Open at end to anyone who knew Daniel)

Aug 20, 2009 19:45

Characters: Ziva David
Content: Ziva breaks into Daniel's now unoccupied room to find that he's gone, and also makes a discovery while she's there.
Location: Daniel's room at the Dan Apartments.
Time: Noonish
Warnings: Ziva is a sad!Ninja?
Information: Anyone who knew Daniel is invited to come by and find the letter that he wrote to them in the journal. Ziva's still going to be there with the journal. The muns are allowed to decide how long the letters are, and who gets them. Riv isn't limiting them, I don't think. and this was totally her idea, I just volunteered Ziva for delivery.

She wasn't a believer in a sixth sense, or the omens that people always warned about. She was believer in the concrete, the events that happened. She went on a small patrol, and then came back, and that sense of something being off still hovered around the floor of the apartments. Shaking her head, she had ignored it, instead heading into her room to try to catch up on the events people were talking about on the network. Taking a drink of water, she scrolled through the list, and noticed that there was something...missing.

And she thought she figured it out...and the thought troubled her.

Setting down the water, she grabbed her radio off of the nightstand, where it had been charging, and walked out into the hallway. It seemed too quiet from one end, and she went that direction. The strange feeling seemed to get stronger as she went down the hallway, and she attempted to ignore it as much as possible. Soon, she reached her destination. Knocking on the door, she waited for a response, and didn't get one.

"Daniel? Are you in there?" She asked. It had hit her that this corner of the floor had been a bit too quiet this morning, both noise and technology wise. After there wasn't a response for a few minutes, she knocked again. "This is not funny." She growled at him through the door.

She waited a few minutes, and realized that she had heard any noise coming from the other side of the door, which wasn't a good sign to her. She tried turning the knob, and found it locked, just as she figured. Pulled her gun out of the holster, she just hoped that he would forgive her for her next move. She stepped back, and then executed a perfect door breakdown, ending up standing in a very empty room, pointing her gun at nothing.

"Ok, this really is not funny." She said, quickly opening the door to the closet and looking through any windows. It was eerily quiet, and eerily empty to her. She kept her gun in one hand as she moved around the room. The computer screen was black, nothing was disturbed. It didn't look like there had been a struggle. Then she saw the damning piece of evidence.

Daniel's radio and weapons lay on a table near the bed.

He never left without them. She ran over to the computer to try to get something up on the network, simultaneiously grabbing her radio and getting ready to shout something when she moved the mouse and the screen lit up again. He had been in the middle of writing something. It ended mid sentence, and there was nothing in it regarding being in distress. He could have easily hit the microphone button from where she was sitting...

So he was gone. The pieces all clicked. The population had decreased by one outsider. Ziva could feel the anger at whoever was running this place, she'd seen the files, and she moved from the chair. She didn't want to destroy the computer, and instead kicked at a nightstand nearby, knocking it over. The drawer fell out in the process, revealing a worn journal. She picked it up and examined it before sitting down again, opening it.

Flipping through the pages, she saw various names on the tops of pages, but didn't stop to read until she got to the page with her name on it. Reading what he had written, the anger was replaced with sadness. They were letters, apparently written to the people he had known in Manhattan, in case something like this happened.

Quickly ripping the pages address to her out of the book, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her normal motions for holding back her emotions in events like this. She folded the pages of the journal and placed them in her pocket, before placing the journal on the bed and picking up her radio for the announcement she had never wanted to make. Her voice still had the emotion she had been trying to hide, for the friend she never thought she would have before arriving here.

He'd saved her ilfe. He'd given her hell, and she had enjoyed the bickering that came with the friendship.

"My friends." She said into the radio, swallowing before continuing.

"Daniel is gone. I believe he is no longer in Manhattan. Please report to Dan Apartments if you know him"

kang, pika, bobby pendragon, megan gwynn (pixie), ziva david, boriane daermon, kaywinnit lee "kaylee" frye, agent derek, tenth doctor

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