Characters: Beast Boy, TJ Wagner and Billy Kaplan
Content: PRETEND SKRULLS. And comics. And I guess some interacting... I guess.
Location: In a little rundown comic shop.
Time: Mid-Morning
Warnings: Comic book geekery to the max.
It had been about a week since Beast Boy had asked Terra to move in with him, and although he thought at the time that this move was the best step forward for them, he had been having doubts. Maybe he had come off as overly clingy or maybe it had been too soon to ask but… she’d moved in with them before (but that had been different! She’d been part of the team and they’d not really been… well… dating) and she’d been okay with that! Maybe it was too soon. But she’d been pushed down some stairs! And Beast Boy hadn’t been around to protect her! He half blamed himself for her getting hurt - if only he’d been with her, he would’ve been able to save her, like the hero he was supposed to be. And how could he protect her if she was on the other side of the city?
In any case, Beast Boy did not want to come off as being overly clingy and protective and pushing their relationship forward too fast, so he figured that he could find her something she’d like and apologise for suggesting it… Or reminding her that the offer was still on the table. He’d decide which to say closer to the time. But that was how he found himself in the middle of the ruined city, in a tiny, dusty shop in a small back room, looking through boxes and boxes of comic books. He’d been unable to find any of his regular stuff ever since he’d gotten to the city (which led him to believe that this horrible alternate dimension that lacked the adventures of alien zombies from space preying on the innocent had a very very upsetting future) so it was taking him twice as long to find something he’d think she’d like. And of course, he was picking up a few that he’d like too.
After he found about twenty interesting looking comics, making sure they were the first in their series or closest the beginning, he got up and headed back to the front of the shop, where the smashed windows looked out on the empty street, to look at some of the not-broken stuff that was scattered around on shelves and the shop floor. Figurines, big books, shirts (one of which Beast Boy actually had taken a couple of days ago and put on because having the Batman logo on his chest felt so damn good), plush toys - you name it, they had it. Or used to anyways, since the front of the shop was basically in ruins. It didn’t matter much to Beast Boy though, since after finding this gem he’d spent a lot of his time down here when he wasn’t fighting off crabs, or helping out the other superheroes in the city. This was his little place he came to, just to chill out and catch up on what those crazy ‘X-men’ were up to. Maybe he could show Terra sometime. If she asked him where he got the comics, he’d take her. Then it would be their place.
Jumping up onto the desk, Beast Boy put the pile of comics down beside him, and pulled off the first one, which was a very tattered issue of something called ‘The Fantastic Four’ and started to flick through it, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings.