Discoveries... (Closed)

Aug 16, 2009 20:20

Characters: Megan, Sora
Content: Unusual Wake-up for Sora...
Location: Sora's Room, BPH
Time of day: Morning
Warnings: Someonemightstarttalkingwithoutbreathingbetweenwordsagain.

Megan was dressed casually as she watched Sora sleep. Which, if it wasn't for the 'saving him from getting kidnapped or murdered', would be REALLY creepy to do. However it was for his protection, so this was fine. It also explained a little about his hair... sorta.

She didn't wake him, with all sirens going off at night, it was better he sleep a bit longer. It was a little awkward taking her shift after Roxas, he was all... Roxas-y. She didn't bring up what bothered her, knowing he didn't want to talk about it. And she knew he didn't want to talk about it because... well, not talking he was good at.

"Roxas... why shouldn't I like you... I mean, that kiss was real, right?" She was mumbling to herself, and quietly. The questions felt more real when she asked them aloud. "Should I... like someone else?"

megan gwynn (pixie), sora

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