Name(s): Yachiru, open to all women in Manhattan
Location: Mansfield Park Hotel Conference Room
Week: Early in the week
Time: Afternoon
Rating: G so far
Content: Yachiru decides it is high time to organize the women of Manhattan
Notes: This thread will be organized by topics for discussion. Feel free to tag the thread related to a topic you think will be fun, or even propose a new topic by starting a new thread. Also, don't wait for Yachiru in turn order, she'll pop in and out as needed.
Standing at the head of the conference table, behind the podium that she had placed there for her use, Yachiru went through her notes. Of course, anyone who checked those notes would find they were actually childish pictures drawn in crayon, but then again, the president of this society did look like she was six years old, so that really shouldn't have been too surprising.
The snacks were laid out, the agenda was ready, and she had her glasses, (A comical pair of pink glasses with star shaped frames that didn't quite give the intellectual look she was going for), she had her gavel, it was time to roll.