Characters: Sokka and anyone?
Content: Sokka is here \o/
Location: Uh... yes. >.>;
Time of Day: Morning
Warnings: None
About the last thing Sokka remembered was dropping down off one Fire Nation airship onto the one Suki had used to come to their rescue. Well, that and a lot of pain. He'd injured his leg, probably broken it or something earlier, so when he dropped down, he'd partially landed on it. Boy that had hurt.
Thaaaaaat was about the last thing he remembered. He must of blacked out from the massive pain, he figured, but that didn't really explain anything at all about where he was now.
Sokka had sat there a good few minutes trying to make sense of his surroundings. Was he dreaming? Well, judging from the THROBBING PAIN down his leg, he figured that wasn't too likely. So, what was this place then?
Yeah, he had nothing.
Forgetting about that whole thing, he turned his attention to wondering if the others were around here, like say, Toph? Or Suki? I mean, considering they'd been RIGHT there.
Trying to turn without jostling his leg, he had a look around behind him, which was easier said than done. "Hey guys? ...Toph? Suki?!" he called and paused, waiting to see if he'd get a reply.
...Nope. Nothing.
"Come on guys, don't leave me hangin' here," he tried again, but was only met with silence.
Great. Just great. Now what?
Sokka wasn't sure he could walk, in fact it was probably a REALLY bad idea to even try, but did he have any choice? No one else seemed to be around to help him out, so he'd have to try, he guessed.
Easing himself up slowly, attempting to keep his weight on his good leg, he slowly tried to push himself up. It quickly ended with him falling back to his behind, yelping in pain as he'd accidently put a bit of weight on the bad leg.
"Ow! OW! OWWWWW! OKAY! I GET IT! BAD IDEA!" he cried out, to no one in particular.
Yeah, okay. Maybe he'd just have to stay put and hope someone would pass by. How long could that possibly take?