Characters: William Birkin, Luis Sera
Content: Two paranoid scientists meet up to chat about - what else? - science.
Location: Around 57th and Park Ave.
Time of day: Early afternoon.
Warnings: None.
Making his way past the wreckage that looked like it was once a rather lovely, opulent cathedral, Birkin found a mound of rubble that would serve as a makeshift chair and leaned against it, crossing his arms across his chest. He looked up at the dusty street signs cattycorner to where he stood now; 57th and Park, just as the other man - Sera? - had said. Birkin knew that Sera had been working with Wesker for a while now, had been conducting research on the crabs to find out as much as he could about them; he could only hope that the other man knew next to nothing about him, otherwise he probably wouldn’t be as forthcoming as he’d prefer him to be.
Birkin figured this was a good way to get into the other man’s head, with no barriers; he hoped that if Sera had someone to talk science with, he would get carried away, would tell him everything, would forget to leave out parts that he might’ve previously kept to himself. Plus, if he was going to be honest, the curiosity was eating away at him. He’d been cooped up too long with next to nothing to do, and that wasn’t a good situation for a scientist in a new world with so much to explore and analyze.