Characters: Terra Branford, Kefka Palazzo, Celes Chere, Cloud
Content: Terra arrives in Manhattan, to a multitude of unpleasant surprises.
Location: Morningside Park
Time of day: Late afternoon
Warnings: ...Kefka, possibly explosions of the magical kind, blood.
Terra was woke up on the grass, hidden behind a little grove like some kind of treasure chest. Her head throbbed, and the bright spring sunlight did little to help her with the illness she felt. Had she been poisoned? Where was she?
She looked down at herself, and tried hard to remember where it was she had been. She remembered Locke and the others had come back from somewhere, had given her the magicite that had once been her father. Terra hurriedly checked her clothing and found Maduin where he'd been - safe against her breast bone. The stone was worryingly cold to the touch, as if no one remained inside at all, and her heart sank. Even for the brief time he'd been in her heart, her father had been very warm and proud of her. Terra dragged herself up and dusted herself. Her head swam and she swayed on her feet dangerously.
It wasn't nearly as bad as it'd been when the nice man in Narshe had removed the slave crown, though. Terra rested her head against the tree trunk and breathed slowly and evenly. She just needed to find help, or a safe place to rest. Wherever she was, it wasn't in a tower in Zozo, like she'd been. When the world finally stopped spinning, the young woman took a few slow steps towards a paved pathway.