Etna's Trap [Active//Closed]

Jun 21, 2009 15:05

Characters: Laharl and Flonne
Content: Backdated a bunch to the result of this.
Location: The Library Hotel's basement.
Time: Uh, night presumably.
Warnings: Lol. Uh...

How had he gone and let himself get into THIS mess? Laharl wondered as he found himself being toppled over to the floor by one clumsy fallen angel.

Laharl had gotten a gut feeling he'd been walking into some kind of trap when Etna had dragged him from his room, but considering how bored he was he'd gone along with it.

'Come on Prince, I want to show you something cool,' she'd said.

How could he could go and fall for 'something cool'? That was like falling for 'something good' all that time ago. He really should have known better, especially when it was coming from Etna. Now here he was stuck in the basement, the door ~mysteriously~ locked, with the Love Freak, who's bright idea to deal with the situation was to hug him. Or more like stumble into him. Now she was on top of him, hugging him uncomfortably tight.

Dammit, Etna! This was obviously all her fault. When he got out of here...

"Ugh, Flonne! W-what the hell are you doing?!" Laharl grumbled at her, trying to pry the girl off. She was acting really weird. Etna's doing? Probably. Who knew what that damn vassal of his had plotted. A bored Etna was a very dangerous thing.

laharl, flonne

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