Characters: Dante and Celes (and anyone who feels like bothering their snarkfest lol)
Content: A fighter goes in for training and comes out with a random newbie
Location: Bryant Park
Time of day: afternoon
Warnings: Um.. snark... yeah let's go with that
Afternoon training )
Ow fuck, it hurts to think... Dante thought, groaning as he slowly sat up in the bushes. His head was pounding something awful while he tried to get to his feet, which he realized was a lot harder than before. But then again, this hangover was something terrible to the ones he was used to dealing with ( ... )
The look on her face was carefully neutral as she attempted to not take his head off as soon as he showed his face. The guy was obviously either very dense or entirely suicidal if he was a) sleeping outside and b) worried about her sword practice. There were worse things... like crabs biting for instance.
"In case you haven't noticed, sword practice is the least of your worries."
Guy was obviously extremely sheltered or else he was extremely new. Celes was hoping it wasn't the latter as she was seriously tiring of playing tour-guide.
"Yeah, I got a migraine from the party last night and I don't know where the fuck I ended up. That's what I'm worried about. And if you a think a sword is scary, try again, girlie. I've had one through my stomach at least three times already."
He glances around, trying to see if there was anything recognizable in this park that would point him in the right direction to go home. "Where the fuck am I, anyway?"
Finally moving so that neither blade was pointing at him no matter how far away they were, Celes fixed him with a cold stare. "It's called Manhattan, and if you want to survive here, I would suggest ridding yourself of anything that might make you ... weak."
The ex-general had never had much tolerance for people who willingly trashed themselves like this one apparently had, so no love was lost during introduction. "Whatever has happened to you, whatever rules and abilities you've lived by in the past, won't help you here. You may as well get used to it."
Shaking his head, he moves over to sit down on a small wall, bringing his bright eyes back up to her. "So...wait, okay, give me a second." Well, he was sitting down, now he's back up and pacing, like it's going to give his mind a jump start. does after about two minutes, turning back to her and pointing a finger. "So, you're telling me that I magically ended up in Manhattan, I have little to no strength again and that I'm pretty much a useless fuck here?"
And to prove it to himself, he goes to punch the stones he was sitting on a moment ago, doing little to no damage to them, but definitely breaking something in his hand. "SON OF A BITCH."
She gave him the requested 'second,' watching him as he paced. At least he seemed capable of coherent thought for the most part... until he decided to show just how smart he really was by punching the stone wall he was sitting on.
Doing a good job of resisting the same urge yet again, Celes sheathed one of her swords and held out her now-empty hand. "Call it what you will; we're all prisoners here. Better get used to it and what strength you have left. Now, you can either let me see your hand or just deal with my magic."
She wasn't sure why she was willing to waste a healing spell on this guy, but at the very least, she couldn't let him wander around alone and injured. She had her friends at home and here to thank for that.
Dante shakes the pain off as best as possible, biting his lip something hard before he looks over to her hand. It takes a moment before he realizes what she's offering, considering he never had to worry about it before. Glancing to her hand and then his own, he slowly holds it out, looking away in shame. "Pfft. That would have been nothing normally. Fuck...just everloving fuck of a time to do this."
Honestly, he would be grateful for that, though he'd never say it. Dante didn't thank people for things, it was just an understood thing for him. "Next thing y'know, you're going to be telling me there's monsters or something that can kill me around here."
He moves back to sit down, lowering his head as he listens to her. Alright, so people from different worlds...and a bunch of monsters. "Sounds like a fucking B horror movie at this point." Dante sighs, looking back up to her with a smile.
"So how long have you been here? Always pick up strangers like me here or do you just have the luck to run into them?" Well, she was pretty, he couldn't help but subtly hit on her.
Shaking out her own wrists a little so they wouldn't get stiff, she paused at the next few words he said. The first ones brought forth a quizzical look. She'd never heard of any of that before. "A what-?"
The rest of her question was effectively cut off as she realized he was saying something that she would have expected from Edgar's mouth. Celes blinked before her eyes rolled upwards subconsciously. "I tend to run into the strangest types and it's usually when I have a sword in hand."
He nods when she rolls her eyes, alright, normal woman response. At least he was happy to know that these women could still enjoy a man like himself. "Am I really that strange? I know the hair ain't all that common but come on, lady."
"Right... after all the people I've run into so far here, you're the closest to normal. Most seem intent on disbelief."
She wasn't going to admit that it was a bit of a relief to run into someone who wasn't questioning her sanity over something like this.
"Normal? Shit, I ain't normal in the least." He scratches the back of his head, sighing. "Honestly, giant crabs are the least of my worries. At least my brother ain't here, otherwise it'd be a hell of a lot worse." Like flying demon whales...
It takes a moment before he registers the next comment, looking to the blade and then up to her. "I can tell. You're already packin' hell with that sword of yours, eh? Know how to use it, I hope." He smirks, trying to get her to relax a bit around him. Not like he was going to freak out, this was normality to him, sadly.
She was always up for a good round of practice as long as the person she was practicing with didn't mind getting beaten up a bit.
"Are you a swordsman, too, then or do you prefer something else?"
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