Soul is numb [Active/Closed]

May 22, 2009 22:39

Characters: Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen
Content: traumatized Rebecca is traumatized.
Location: Billy and Rebecca's apartment above Seventh Heaven
Time of day: evening, after all the dramaz
Warnings: this is like the first time they kissed log, only Rebecca's the one in the sling now, lol.

Rebecca sat and replied to the comments that flooded her entry as best she could for a while, before she was tired of repeating herself over and over, and pushed away from the computer, standing and moving from the bedroom that used to be hers and was just primarily her workspace now, limping with some stiffness into the room she shared with Billy. After all the adrenaline had faded, she was starting to feel the full of her fall against the building, her muscles sore and stiff, bruises making themselves known, and there was of course the constant ache of her broken arm. Tomorrow would be worse, but with the right pills and a little rest she could hopefully keep herself moving.

For now, though, she climbed up onto the bed and lay down on her left side, closing her eyes before she had to open them again, Andrew's suffering face painted on the back of her eyelids. She sighed, exhausted and frustrated, before rolling onto her back and staring up at the ceiling. Billy had said he'd be along soon, hopefully she could keep her mind blank until she had someone to distract her.

rebecca chambers, billy coen

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