Giant Robot Schematics Meeting [Active/Closed]

May 12, 2009 20:41

Characters: Flonne, Dr. Horrible
Content: Dr. Horrible has decided to pay Flonne a visit. D'awww.
Location: Library Hotel lobby
Time: Midmorning
Warnings: Flonne being cute?

Flonne was still tired. She'd certainly gotten enough sleep once she, along with a host of others, had returned from Roosevelt Island the other night. No, Flonne was bushed because try as she might, she could still not cast her magic, and she was trying mighty hard. After about the tenth try, she flopped on the couch, resolving to try again after a short rest.

She quickly found herself partaking in one of New York's best-known pastimes: people watching. People from all over the city - some she knew, some she didn't - came in and out of the lobby while she watched, either heading out for greater adventure or heading up the stairs to visit other residents. She waved happily to the people she knew (and quite a few of the people she didn't know - it couldn't hurt to be friendly) as she waited for her mana to recover.

dr. horrible, flonne

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