Crossed paths with a black cat lately? [Active, Open]

May 11, 2009 17:46

Characters: Meyrin Hawke and anyone at the BPH
Content: Falling down the stairs isn't much fun, especially when you've been bitten. Meyrin learns this firsthand.
Location: Bryant Park Hotel
Time of day: Noon-ish
Warnings: None.

Truth be told, Meyrin wasn't used to getting sick. Sure, there'd been her fever when she woke up here, but as a Coordinator her immune system was stronger than most. Illness wasn't something she dealt with often. While it'd always been an advantage before, it was becoming her downfall now (though it at least provided a distraction).

Still, she refused to let it get in her way. In order to survive in this city, she had to keep up with the news, which meant checking the journals often. Unfortunately, she didn't have a computer hooked up in her room, so she was stuck going outside to the nearest internet cafe each time. Walking was becoming an increasing struggle each day, as the poison got worse. She knew she needed to get her bite healed soon.

Today, it was particularly bad. Her head felt dizzy as she moved down the hall, and there were times when it felt like her chest was going to burst. It seemed the fever was affecting her mind as well, as she didn't consider the potential dangers when she headed down the stairs--and missed a step.

She let out a cry as she fell, landing in a heap near the bottom of the staircase. Luck just wasn't on her side that day, as she ended up landing on her right arm--the one that had been bitten. Her breath catching her throught as pain raced through her arm, she bit back another cry. Tears sprung to her eyes while she settled for breathing heavily instead. After rolling onto her other side and lying there for a few moments, she stood up shakily, her left arm pressed against the wall for support. Now that the pain was dulling, other parts of her body were beginning to hurt. Bruises would eventually form, no doubt. It was a good thing Meyrin had stopped caring about how she looked a while ago.

Apparently, this week was starting out just as awfully as the last.

raimu "rhyme" bito, meyrin hawke, yellow

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