Characters: Peter Parker (Spider-Man), the residents of the Strand 2.0. (With a special appearance by Megan Gwynn (Pixie))
Content: Peter needs a place to stay
Location: The Strand 2.0
Time of day: Mid Morning, Friday
Warnings: None
After raiding an abandoned apartment store for some regular clothes (Because he couldn’t wear his Spider-Man outfit all the time) Peter was wondering what he should do next. The best idea was probably to find a permanent place to stay, away from the elements and, well, the monsters.
Because... let’s face it, Peter wasn’t cut out for the drifter life style.
When he eventually came across an apartment complex, he decided to go tale a look inside. It felt sort of wrong to just go inside someone’s house like this, but he couldn’t just sleep in the streets. He knocked on the door of the complex, wondering if there was anyone still living here that could hear him.
"Is anybody here?" he called, "I... I need a place to stay"
He waited around for a while, waiting for someone to answer. When none came he went to open the door.