*Any people who happen to be about can probably join in if they're concerned about a very heavily injured person please, Sasuke is a shitty excuse for a medic. >__>
Characters: Fugaku and Sasuke
Content: Fugaku and Sasuke finally make it to Rai Rai Ken, and set about trying make sure Fugaku doesn't end up dead.
Location: Rai Rai Ken
Time of day: Later in the evening, backdated (last Monday)
Warnings: Blood, more lungs than guts, probably language.
So this was that ramen place Sasuke had heard mentioned. It looked pretty much like any other ramen bar Sasuke had seen (except for a few bits of technology that Sasuke couldn't place), which was comfortably familiar. Not that Sasuke needed familiarity. It was just useful at a time like this.
'A time like this' being one where Sasuke entered the shop bearing most of the weight of a very injured nineteen-year-old version of his father. Finding a relatively soft-looking chair, Sasuke turned, trying to shift Fugaku into a sitting position without disturbing his injuries too much.
"How does your right arm feel?" Sasuke was already glancing out at the street, scouring for any shops that looked like they might have any sort of medical supplies.