like some disease we couldn't beat [finished]

Mar 22, 2009 23:37

Characters: Fran Madaraki, Doctor Angelicus
Content: Science and tea. The best combination.
Location: The Madaraki Emergency Room at 2nd and St. Mark's
Time of Day: Soon after this thread
Warnings: Two physically deformed unique doctors are plotting Manhattan's scientific revolution discussing their findings.

Fran couldn't help but notice how many of her meetings were starting with invitations for tea. It was the universal beverage, though! Well, except for that Godot fellow, but he was a rather interesting case. Oh, she'd just have to think of a way to get at that visor of his. It couldn't have been part of his face, that much was certain. But it was still a fascinating piece of technology, and even though she knew very little about machinery, it would still be worth at least a preliminary analysis.

Oh, but there she was getting sidetracked again. If she kept doing that, she'd end up boiling the water to nothing, and nobody wanted that. Now, Doctor Angelicus was on her way, and it was time to tidy up a little. As the water boiled, she gathered up some of the stray crab parts that she had brought up to her examination table. (Nobody seemed too interested in coming to her for help. There wasn't much point in keeping her experiments secret when the only visitors she got were people she invited. Sigh.) But there was equally not much of a point in getting depressed about it. After all, she was making important connections, wasn't she? And Angelicus would be one of the most important ones. Or at least the most interesting.

doctor angelicus, fran madaraki

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