Characters: Mitsuki Konishi, OPEN
Content: Mitsuki has decided to stop being a damsel in distress all the time. She takes it upon herself to learn how to fight... Now all she needs is someone to teach her.
Location: In front of the Bryant Park Hotel
Time of day: Mid-Morning
Warnings: None yet...
Notes: Can do this party thread style. She intends on
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He paused when he was near the place, noticing the older woman swinging at thin air with a metal rod, Strange, he thought and decided to wander over. His own staff was on his back as usual and while he wasn't as adept at staff fighting he could improvise fairly well, "Uhm, excuse me, but what are you doing?" His tone was genuinely curious and relatively innocent.
"One could say I'm not the best fighter around.... I'm looking to improve this."
It was hard to pass up an opportunity to teach though. Still, he didn't want to see this woman putting herself in danger just because she might learn a few moves. "Are you sure this is wise though? I mean, the crabs aren't exactly expert fighters and most people can fend them off pretty easily just by swinging wildly."
She sighed and refrained from rolling her eyes. If he was going to interrupt her, he should've had a damn good reason. "Don't get me wrong, I have my skills..." she trailed off, melting into the shadows before reappearing on the other side of him. "But they only get me so far. Especially in a dimension like this that weakens us."
He was surprised by the way she melted into the shadows, to say the least, but instead of being afraid he merely looked excited...or something close to that, "Wow! That's amazing!" It reminded him a little of Kaede's techniques, although this lady didn't really look much like a ninja. "Yes, I can understand, my magic isn't very reliable either so I've been training with Kaede to improve my physical combat skills...especially since my old teacher isn't here."
Now that was very curious. If he was half as interesting as the girl had been, this could provide several more notes in her PDA. "I've noticed she's a very athletic girl. So you've been training with her, then? And... your old teacher was a skilled fighter as well?"
Well, not every world was the same.
Negi felt something nagging in the back of his mind but he chose to ignore it. Evangeline probably would have smacked him for it, Negi really could be a bit too trusting at times, "Yes, she is, she nearly won the martial arts tournament at the Mahora School Festival and my old teacher has won it in the past. My old teacher trained me in Kenpo, she's very talented as well."
Something that had never really happened before. She listened to him go on about Kaede's talents, making mental notes of it. "They sound very gifted. And you're training under them to learn the same?"
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