Characters: Naoto Shirogane, Naoki Kashima, anyone who might have a reason to be there, I guess.
Content: Naoto, meet Naoki. Naoki, Naoto. Now play nice, okay kids?
Location: Amsterdam Court Hotel
Time of day: Shortly after the monster rampage of doom.
Warnings: Nothing in particular.
Was this a good idea? She didn't even know this person beyond a name, and here she was going to meet them. Under normal circumstances she would be suspicious of such a person, but these were not normal circumstances. Even so, she would have to be on her guard until she had ascertained just how much her new friend could be trusted.
Naoto felt guilty that she was just running and hiding. She wasn't in the habit of doing so. She wouldn't have done so when confronted with Shadows, but the monster wasn't a Shadow, and she did not have access to her Persona. She was still aware of its presence, but had no means of utilizing it. Even if she did, it didn't have any healing capabilities, so that was a moot point. Perhaps if they had bandages or gauze, she could at least help patch anyone who was injured up. At least then she wouldn't feel so useless, so much like... much like a child.
No, she couldn't think like that. She'd gotten past that, right? She'd accepted that part of herself. That's why she had her Persona in the first place. This was not the time to think of such things anyway. Those matters were irrelevant, and needed to be put out of her mind lest she become distracted.
She'd managed to find her destination by way of scrounging up a map. Now that she was there, all that remained was to go inside. Then she'd get to meet this person face to face.
She entered the lobby and glanced around. "Hello?"