Revelations 101 [Active/Closed]

Feb 01, 2009 15:59

Characters: Greed, Sakuri
Content: Fatherly!Greed decides it's time to have The Talk with his roommate.
Location: Damn Swank Penthouse
Time of day: Mid-afternoon.
Warnings: Language, Nickbutt character.

"I'll come to you, I just want you to be ready for it when I do, okay?"

That was the bullshit excuse Greed had given Sakuri when she asked about the note. The truth was, he was putting this off. He was worried about how she would take what she had to tell him. No, scratch that - he knew full well how she'd take it. Even as well as she seemed to be adjusting, he knew something like this would shake her to her core. She didn't need that. He didn't need that. He needed a drink. Something hard. Sadly, the place was dry.

He was done putting it off now, though. He'd already crossed the Rubicon by giving her that note. She was probably worried just thinking about it, it would be a dick move not to explain now. Like he'd written in down, she deserved to know.

He rubbed his forehead in exasperation as he stretched out on the couch. As soon as she asks again, he thought.

greed, sakuri kunikai

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