Characters: Zack Fair, Sara Sidle
Content: After Rikku's disappearance, and despite the nature of the season, Zack's feeling pretty bummed. Sara gives him a pep-talk... after finding out something unusual about him.
Location: Byrant Park Hotel, fourth floor.
Time of day: Early morning
Warnings: Nothing too severe, I'd say.
Zack wasn't normally the type to let anything get him down too badly. If he felt bad, others felt bad, and it just made things worse. So he forced himself to stay as positive as possible for the sake of everyone else.
Rikku would've wanted it, anyway.
Adjusting the leather coat he now wore outdoors, the SOLDIER huffed and rubbed his gloved hands together before entering the hotel, trying to put on a happy face for anyone he came across. As if nothing was ever wrong, as if he wasn't feeling so down and out.
Christmastime had come. And the first thing the dark-haired man bolted out of bed to do was to visit the Al-Bhed's apartment and wish her a Merry Christmas, since he hadn't seen her on the networks as of late. He assumed it was because she was going around the city and helping out everyone with the food situation, so he hadn't thought much of it. He'd been filled with holiday cheer and excitement when he climbed up those steps...
Until he found one empty apartment that appeared to not have been touched in weeks.
There had been no sign of her anywhere, even as he called out. No note, no explaination... until he remembered Cloud's disappearance. So, dejected by the matter, he went back home, praying that the hyperactive, young blonde had at least made it home safely.
It was all he could do.
Climbing the steps, rounding the corner; it had taken longer than usual, mostly from the SOLDIER's worried mind beginning to shoot into more darker directions. What if she had starved somewhere? What if a crab attacked out of nowhere? What if she wasn't even really home? If she came back, would she forget him, too?
Sharp pains had striked in the back of his mind the entire way, but he'd been too distracted to notice. She was... gone. Really gone. He'd held her, taken care of her when she was sick... she'd admitted to even loving him...
He'd had one hand upon the knob when the strikes in his mind began to grow worse and worse. And then he recognized it; the disorientation, the headache, the faint dizziness...
Ifrit, not now!
Blue eyes quickly flickered to that familiar, cat-like green and he slumped down, a choking sound escaping his throat. He became confused, forgetting where he was, what was going on, his mind showing him visions he never remembered seeing before. His body convulsed faintly, but he failed to notice.
Meteor. Jenova. Fire. Pain... pain.
He instinctively reached for the door, trying to pry it open to at least make it to his bed until it passed, but he couldn't remember how to turn the knob. Just a couple minutes... like before. Wait for it to pass, it'll pass...