Completely lost! [Finished]

Dec 18, 2008 22:19

Characters: Ella, whoever she bumps into.
Content: Ella finds herself in a strange city.
Location: Somewhere along 42nd street
Time of day: Evening
Warnings: None yet

Whatever she was lying on now made dirt and grass seem like a nice, warm bed. )

ella of frell, agent spin

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eba05 December 19 2008, 06:38:47 UTC
Spin was, admittedly, feeling extremely frustrated with himself. After the other day, when... and he'd just blown up like that, and everyone had... Nnh. He felt like a jerk on top of an idiot. And there was only one way to redeem being such a brat, right? To get out there and do some resource salvaging. People needed food, heaters, first aid, the like, and sitting around moping wasn't going to help anyone out.

Unfortunately, the Agent wasn't having the greatest time making his way down the streets. His body was aching from the beating it had taken the other day, and though he'd bandaged himself up as best he could, it just wasn't going very smoothly.

He was only a couple blocks from Bryant Park, with a very small haul (a few cans of food, warm clothes, and... a few personal items he'd picked out), when he saw someone up ahead. A young woman? She didn't look familiar, and didn't seem to have much of an aim in her wandering... Spin chewed at his lip. "Hey there! 'Scuse me, you need some help?"


halfpuppet December 19 2008, 06:41:35 UTC
Ella stopped walking and turned in the direction of the voice, and sighed in relief when she saw the man who'd called to her. She wasn't alone here! Thank goodness.

"Um, yes, I guess I do," she admitted. "Where are we? I just woke up and I was here... And it was much warmer when I went to sleep, too."

She shivered from the cold and rubbed her hands together.


eba05 December 19 2008, 06:52:35 UTC
He sighed. Yup, a new arrival. "That sort of thing... happens a lot. Don't suppose you've heard of a place called Manhattan? 'Cause that's where we're at. People just pop up outta the blue, 'round here."

He took note of her shivering, and rummaged through his bag. "Here, lemme..." he pulled out a long jacket, probably a couple sizes too big for her. "Put that on, should help at least a little. Sorry I don't got much else."


halfpuppet December 19 2008, 06:55:55 UTC
She accepted the coat. Since he'd told her to, she had no choice but to put it on -- though she would have done so anyway. It was better than nothing.

"Manhattan... No, I haven't heard of that. That's not in Kyrria, is it?"


eba05 December 19 2008, 07:08:35 UTC
He shook his head. "New York City, in the state of the same name, once a place so pretty it put the rest of the country to shame. But y'see how it's gotten so gritty, an' fallen from fame."

He gave another small sigh. "Bet it may sound a mite weird, but this is a new world, one I'll bet has appeared quite different from the one you've been hurled. You'll need to beware, or you'll get quite a scare; there's some nasty critters hangin' 'round here and there." He gave as reassuring a smile as he could manage. "'M sure you'll fare fine, though, there's plenty of people to take care."


halfpuppet December 19 2008, 07:10:41 UTC
Ella stared in surprise. What got her first was the way he'd rhymed everything. "Wow. Did you come up with that off the top of your head?"

Then she actually parsed what he was saying. Wow. Just wow. In fact, she said as much. "Wow. Um..."


eba05 December 19 2008, 07:17:15 UTC
"Come up with what?"

He rubbed the back of his neck as it sunk in. "Yeah, that's a pretty appropriate reaction. Takes a bit to get used to... well. Not get used to, but cope a bit. An', uh... I dunno if you got any, er. Magic powers?" After all this time, saying it still weirded him a bit. "But uh, they might be... messed up a bit."


halfpuppet December 19 2008, 07:20:25 UTC
"All those rhymes," she elaborated.

She put a hand to her mouth in what almost could have been worry. "Magic powers? Well, no. I'm just an ordinary human, I'm not a fairy or a gnome or anything like that." Her fairy blood was miniscule and didn't do her any good, anyway. It just made her clumsy. "Magic gets messed up here?"


eba05 December 19 2008, 07:28:59 UTC
"Oh. Right." He glanced away, slightly embarrassed. "That just, uh. Happens. From time to time."

Well. She came from a place with magic, at least, so it didn't feel like too dumb of a question. "Yeh, there's all sorts of folks who're sayin' things don't work like they're s'posed. Though," he added with a small laugh, "people can still do things I've never seen before I came here, so."


halfpuppet December 19 2008, 07:31:23 UTC
Well, if what he said about this being another world was true, that made sense, she guessed. Maybe there was a world where humans could use magic. "I see... I have someplace to be, though." She was almost whining. "How do I get out of here?"


eba05 December 19 2008, 07:41:16 UTC
"If I knew, I'd tell ya... but then I'm not sure anyone'd still be around in the first place. Trapped by your life, life that's unavoidable..." Spin shook his head. "Bridges're down, tunnels filled with the little bastards, an' the bigger monster keeps anyone from headin' out over the water. 'M sorry to say, but if you got an appointment, you're probably gonna miss it."


halfpuppet December 19 2008, 07:42:38 UTC
She started pacing back and forth in front of him. Bigger monster? She wondered how much bigger. "No, no, no! I can't miss it!" she insisted. "This can't be happening, oh no..."


eba05 December 19 2008, 07:54:09 UTC
He frowned as she began pacing; the panicked reaction was a bit... familiar. "H-hey, now, relax," he said, reaching out to catch her shoulder. "M'sure it's fine. Things tend to..." He chewed his lip, unsure how to explain it. "They sorta tend to go on proper back in your home, if I understand it right." He hoped that was right, at least... but it was better to calm her nerves than let her get into a panic over whatever it was.

"C'mon, let's get someplace warm, 'aight? Better to be learnin' in a comfy setting," he added with what was hopefully a reassuring grin.


halfpuppet December 19 2008, 07:58:22 UTC
She instinctively flinched when he took her shoulder, but then relaxed. This was annoying, but she couldn't exactly fight an order like that without looking suspicious. "That doesn't make any sense..."

At least he hadn't phrased his offer as a command. She was happy to go along with it. "That's a good idea. I'm freezing out here."


eba05 December 19 2008, 08:19:35 UTC
A dry laugh. "You'll find not many things here do." He gestured for her to follow, and began going back over his route to the hotel. "Seems like every day you're bound to view something that's completely new, that you'd never understand how it's true if it weren't right in front of you."

His fingers reached up to push up his glasses, flinching as he remembered the habit was useless now. His teeth gritted. "Hopefully you'll find yourself better aligned with what this place has in mind for a lot who are confined here," he grumbled, lost in a moment of pessimism.


halfpuppet December 19 2008, 19:03:40 UTC
She followed, sighing a little, still rubbing her hands together. This was definitely a problem. What was she supposed to do about this?

She only half-listened to him, distracted. She had to get to the giants' country to meet Lucinda, there were no two ways about it. If this man was so sure there was no way to do that, well, she would prove him wrong.


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