Characters: Jill Valentine (
masterunlocker), HUNK (
Content: A flashback lead-in sort of thing to why Jill is in Manhattan, and then her waking up after arriving. She meets up with an unmasked HUNK and they start to gather supplies.
Location: Streets around Pete's Tavern.
Time of day: Sometime in the evening. Sun is just going down.
Warnings: None, really.
Two years.
Two years since she "died", and life was pretty damn good for being a dead person. A hat and sunglasses tricked everyone, and the name 'Melissa' wasn't so bad. Being able to go somewhere and not be recognized for surviving the horrors of years past was a small comfort.
Tuesdays, she makes her rounds. Jill has several contacts in the greater Seattle area, which is where she's set up shop for the past few months. Political contacts. Police contacts. You name it, she could find them. Today, her first stop is a records clerk at the cop shop by the name of Donovan Matthews. She slips into the archives easily enough, and Donovan doesn't notice her, as his attention is focused on a file. He looks nervous. Jill turns out the lights, leaving the room dark except for Donovan's desk lamp.
"M-Melissa? Oh shit, I was wondering when you'd arrive!"
"Excited to see me today, huh?"
"You have no idea, get over here and look at this. Monster shit, that's what you're into, right?"
'Melissa' walks over to Donovan and peers over his shoulder. The paper has preliminary reports of monsters, possibly BOW's, in New York City.
"Rumor has it that there's survivors of S.T.A.R.S. there as well," Donovan says quietly, and nearly jumps out of his chair when 'Melissa' snatches the file away from him. She gives him a rolled up $100 bill.
"Thank you, this is all I need," she says, and is gone as quick as she came in.
Jill's eyes flutter open, and her vision takes a few blinks to right itself. She sits up and puts a hand to her forehead. Little bits of dried blood flake off onto her cheeks and shirt.
"Wh... what the hell...?" She pulls herself up and stands on protesting ankles as she surveys where she ended up. Looks like an office building of some sort. Or, what was an office building. The computers are smashed to bits, desks fragmented and dust and rubble covers everything. Jill sneezes as she walks around, stirring up the dust.
She makes sure to take shallow breaths and walk carefully over to the hole in the wall that once housed a window. However, she can't help but gasp when she looks out to see that she's on the second floor of a building in what looked like it was Manhattan at one point.
Part of her wants to call out for help and see if there's anyone alive out there, but past experience tells her that it is definitely not a good idea. So, she pulls her knit hat's bill down low over her eyes, brushes most of the dust off of herself, and descends the stairs.
Time to go exploring.