Characters: Joel Robinson, Stitch (potentially Delirium if she happens to be around?)
Content: They're zany, which results in creativity! Joel and Stitch decide to play a little game of Cloverfield.
Location: Joel's suite at the Mansfield Park Hotel
Time of day: Early afternoon
Warnings: Nothing but cuteness and silliness
You could take the temp worker out of the Satellite of Love, but you couldn't take the Satellite of Love out of the temp worker. Joel's large hotel suite was, as always, crowded with all kinds of strange arts and crafts pieces...pads of construction paper, wood glue, clay, stacks and stacks of old magazines and DVDs, a few pairs of pantyhose, some shoeboxes full of markers, and a random tuba that he was going to do something with sooner or later.
But right now, he'd scooted all of that aside to make way for a fun little setup. In the center of the hotel room was a large plastic mat that he'd set up, scribbled with a few marks indicating it was supposed to be a rough map of Manhattan. Around his feet were a bunch of empty boxes: boxes of Trix and Pop-Tarts, some Oatmeal boxes, and many more. There was also a set of poster paints by the boxes. By his side was a stack of month-old newspapers and a bowl of some sloppy bleach mixture: just the tools needed for paper machete.
He was currently in the middle of stacking a few boxes on top of each other and sticking bleach-coated strips of newspaper all over them. He'd already completed a few crude skyscrapers, but there were still many more to be done. For that, he'd need the little blue guy to show up and help.