Kyouya/Eclair [Complete]

Aug 24, 2008 18:49

Characters: Eclair Tonnerre and Ootori Kyouya
Content: Eclair and Kyouya settle in a nearby store. Attempts to coincide, general conversation, rotten melons, and a dead cat.
Place: 6th and 34th street. Midtown Manhattan.
Time: Dusk
Warnings: Pretty clean stuff.

It had been a long day and as the sun illuminated the city skyline with the most electrifying shade of pink he'd ever seen, the awe of nature that one would usually experience had been absent. The color was duly noted, stored, and all together left to itself. There had been something about nearly losing your life to a tail knocking the bridge from beneath your feet that made the little wonders in life seem less captivating.

It had been a full day now that the sun was setting. Eclair had led them further south, pushing just past time square as the sky had deepened to a dark purple. Shelter seemed like a reasonable cause to Kyouya at the moment, but rest seemed to be the first on his companions agenda as she managed to gracefully drop herself to the curb side.

He'd never seen someone look as if they'd just executed something from a ballet when half throwing themselves down, but then again, this was Eclair.

Not a word had been said between the two as Kyouya lowered himself to her side, noting the garbage bag to their left that had been torn open, and thus spilling its rotten contents into the grates along the sidewalk. There was something unpleasant half hidden beneath the bag and Kyouya tried his best to tell himself he hadn't seen the stiff dead cat and the rat that had been feasting on it's soft white underside.

The rat had taken off, perhaps sensing eyes on itself, and was gone so fast that one could question if it had even been there to begin with. Now all that was left was the blood crusted around the cat's stomach wound and the low growl of Kyouya's stomach, which earned an almost disgusted look from the red head. There would have been a terribly underhanded comment had the growl of Eclair's stomach not inspired a slow smirk in it's place.

He couldn't decipher between what had been more revolting; The oozing stomach of a long since past feline, or that fact that he suddenly found himself hungry after spying on a sewer rat's feast.

"I'll go find some food."

Eclair had not replied.

That afternoon the two had broken their silent truce to hate the other as they shared a melon that had been lifted from a half destroyed corner market, and just begun to mold along its bottom. (Thankfully, the pulp had not been affected and therefor had been deemed edible.)

Kyouya's fingers pressed against the skin of his newly scavenged cantaloupe, into the molded area along the bottom of the rough grayed skin until they passed through with a loud pop. His stomach flipped at the idea that he'd been knuckle deep in mold, and dropped to the curbside along side Eclair who had been looking over the melon with a rather distasteful expression.

She watched the boy peeled away at the mold with his fingernails, picking away the pulp that had turned a off shade of gray mixed with it's usual vibrant orange.

"It's molding."
"I know."
"You're going to eat that?"

For a moment Kyouya's fingers paused in their labor. With how difficult Eclair was most of the time he'd been tempted to leave his reply at yes, but she was still a lady and to leave a lady without food would not be proper.

"We'll split it."

There had been not been a verbal reply. Simply a nod. Thankfully the hole left from the tainted skin had left enough leverage for Kyouya to pull back a strip of skin along the center of the melon. Uneven, albeit, but it had made cutting the cantaloupe possible without using a knife. He'd pulled both ends down until the center gave way.

"I'll give you the cleaner half of it so you won't need to worry about the mold. It would be wrong to let a lady starve."

His hands were filthy from doing most of the rummaging through buildings or moving any debris in their way and Eclair could not bring herself to ignore the fact that those very hands had been roaming over her food source. She'd corrected herself however as she noticed he'd been careful to only touch the skin of her half of the melon until he deposited it into her hand.

It was odd how considerate he could be at times.

She had not thanked him then, Kyouya had not thanked her when she'd relocated his shoulder after the incident on the bridge. Neither of them had spoken a word of thanks since they landed in New York. Neither of them cared to keep score.

The two had fallen into silence again as they ate their respective halves, their mouth betraying just how hungry they were as their usual etiquette was lost to the near frantic consumption of the fruit. Now that the sun was setting it had been a full day since they'd eaten anything. Eclair watched as a trail of juice trailed down his arm, before the rivulets pooled at the base of Kyouya's elbow, where they soaked into his slacks. Kyouya watched as juice had begun to trail along Eclair's wrist as she tried her best to pull the inside of the melon from the skin with her teeth.

"Save your seeds," He had already gutted his half, inwardly groaning at the idea that he'd be carting around slimed seeds.

There was a pause as she regarded her own dirtied hand before she dug her painted nails into the center of the melon. She pulled them free of the pulped center leaving the mass of seeds and slimed orange to rest in her opposite hand. They were cradled there as she continued to work away at the cantaloupe.

The Ootori had pocketed his half, ignoring the idea that he'd further sullied the expensive slacks further by keeping the seeds there. Eclair would have asked why they were saving the seeds had she not been so preoccupied with eating from her left hand and holding the mixture of pulp and seed in her right. "Here." Kyouya had reached across the knees she'd drawn to her chest, scooping her mound of seed into his hand. He'd spent a moment or two picking away the extra meat before pocketing her share as well.

Eclair slowed down in order to prevent the beginnings of a stomach ache from eating too fast, dropping her hand from her mouth and regarding the heir to her left. He'd been starring across 6th avenue with no real focus as his teeth dragged idly along the inside of a strip of skin. Then turned from him to regard the cat whose innards had been pulled through the subway grates by what she hoped were rats.

"Ootori-kun, you plan on growing cantaloupe then?"
"They're common in North America. I don't see why I wouldn't try."

There was no arguing that point and they fell silent for a moment or two before Kyouya spoke again.

"I'm hoping we can return to the market I found this at and salvage more seeds. Preferably something that would grow quickly. Tomatoes would be best."
"The beginnings of a Victory Garden then?"
"Yes. I'm sure any food left here will begin to rot and starving would be most unpleasant."
"Indeed, it would."

The cat drew their joined attention as the last of it's small intestine slapped against the metal grates before disappearing beneath the city streets.

"May we find somewhere to stay the night? That cat is beginning to make me sick."

"Of course."

Kyouya rose depositing his skins atop of the black bags, waiting for Eclair to do the same before they continued further down 6th avenue, where they came across the only store along that strip of road that had a door left intact.


There had been a quick once around, during witch Kyouya noted how defensible the looted electronic store had been, any holes left in the ceiling, as well as the number of doors. All in all the building was an exceptional place to set up their semi-perminant shelter. The walls were sturdy and would not be knocked down unless the monster had beaten it's way through the stores lined up on either side of it. Thankfully it had been situated in the center of the strip.

It was only a few feet across, but deep enough that they could breath their own air comfortably. This made for easy surveillance and protection.

"A greenhouse..." The other muttered as he ran his fingers along the hole that had been punched through the display glass at the front of the store. "This window would help to keep the temperature high enough to grow our food source, and at least the hole here would help to ventilate fresh oxygen."

Eclair had been behind him, starring up the foot or two he'd been elevated due to the fact he'd been standing atop of the elevated store front, squinting into the sun that had been back lighting his elongated figure. "How will we get the dirt to grow these plants?"

"There are commercial buildings along this street most likely with potted plants. Whatever had been in them previously has died by now and could serve as a good fertilizer." He stepped down striding past the red head as he spoke. "There's also a square in front of the 'Boarders' a few blocks over with a few planters."

"Transportation would be an issue would it not? We would need a box."
"A bag would be ideal. Boxes tend to be cumbersome."

Next store there had been one of the many fabric stores lining fashion avenue and the two had worked together in order to drag two of the larger faux fur rolls over in order to construct their bedding. An off handed comment was made that they could stay in the fabrics store, to which an off handed reply was offered that; there was far too much for something, or even another person to be hiding in.

"Electronics World" would be there new home it seemed and as the sun set they'd begun to work on constructing their beds. Eclair had some difficulty pulling the fabric from the heavy roll, but once she'd managed to get some momentum on her backpedal it came to her easily.

Kyouya was already settled by the time she'd managed to pull enough fabric.

They'd never wish a goodnight to anyone previously so it was not out of place that their day had ended in silence.


There had been a groan from beneath the lacquered counter top. Something that gurgled and moaned like a drain with hair, or dirt clogged to far down for one to wiggle the mass free, but loose enough for a slow spoil of water to make its way past. The store was pitch dark, a darkness that moved with you rather than around you. Eclair had heard it, rolling onto her side, only to find the youngest Ootori heir to be much closer to her than she'd expected. His face had been casted with the off blue of the moon outside and was still wearing his glasses.

She'd have blamed him for their change in vicinity had she not found her original bedding had been abandoned a few feet to her right shoulder.

Another groan sounded and she found herself wishing she could disappear into the floor and leave to boy to deal with the problem. Her lips parted as if preparing to speak out. 'Hello?' was whispering in her throat, but her voice failed to carry it further than the half whimper at the roof of her mouth. Water pushing past the drain, and then the clicking sound she'd recognized from when a single claw had sprung from the grate outside the shop and gutted the stray cat.

Kyouya had missed it and assumed her weak knees had been from exhaustion.

Her breath caught and she prayed to anything, something, someone that the light convex of Kyouya's breath against her bare shoulder was not as loud as it had sounded to her.


Her heart pounded in her ears as her lungs strained for oxygen.

Click. Click- soon they echoed against the tiles floor in rapid secession until there was a loud screeching. It reminded her of the time her pet bunny had been caught between a closing door and the wall. All it did was wail in the most horrible sounds she'd ever born witness to and it made her stomach curl even worse now that she knew it was no bunny behind that counter.

Silence followed. Then another howl that sent the air caught in her throat squealing out just loud enough to rouse Kyouya.

"Ec-" Thin fingers pressed frantically to his lips. Had he looked up from her fingers he'd find her eyes had begun to tear and the chords in her neck were strained from the amount of blood her heart had begun pumping through her tiny frame in hopes to circulate more oxygen.

Lower this time. "If you don't breath you're going to suffer Hypoxia."

"Kyouya," She'd never called him by his first name and it stumbled awkwardly from her lips. "There's something-" The back door slammed, followed by a muffled thump as a cardboard box fell to the floor.

Eclair's eyes dropped from the counter to the reflective surface of the other's glasses as silence filled the store for a few minutes. She was glad Kyouya hadn't spoken.

"It must have been rats." She reasoned pulling herself over to her make shift bedding. "My apologies for having woken you, Ootori-kun."

Kyouya noted the small jacket she wore over the thin straps of her dress had been missing. Eclair noted he'd been watching her and in turn rolled back. Blue met Brown and for a moment or two they watched eachother watch the other until one had spoken.

"You're not wearing your jacket."
"I'm using it as a pillow."

They'd fallen silent but their eyes held steady.

"What scared you?"

Eclair paused as she tried to place just what exactly 'no' meant.

"You don't think it's rats, do you?"
"No, I know it's rats. Sorry for waking you."

Eclair had fallen silent, having fallen asleep and soon Kyouya found sleep as well.

eclair tonnerre, ootori kyouya

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