Collision Course With Wackiness - [Active, Open]

Jul 17, 2008 09:28

Characters: Joel Robinson, Soma Cruz, very open to anyone else in or visiting Hotel Pennsylvania
Content: Joel decides it's time for a change of location and a few new faces.
Location: Hotel Pennsylvania
Time of day: Early afternoon
Warnings: Nothing except potential silliness.

He'd brought a few essentials )

soma cruz, joel robinson

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v_tepes_cruz July 18 2008, 18:53:05 UTC
If there was one thing to be said about the images that presented, it was that it was funny. Funny enough to break the reverie Soma had been in for the past... however long he'd been there. And so it was that, as this specter tried to joust with the elevator's control panel, Soma wandered on over with the ghost of a smile. "Need a hand?" he asked, indicating the panel. "Somehow, I don't think you're gonna manage with the noodle."

Over the past weeks, Soma had taken to wearing rugged clothing, jeans and sweaters under his blue-trimmed white trench coat, and his longsword slung comfortably on his back. He'd taken to carrying one of the wakizashis he had after the fashion of the old Highlander movies, tucked away inside his coat; it really was as easy as it looked.


itsjustashow July 21 2008, 15:56:06 UTC
Joel looked up with a smile as Soma approached him from the side. An interesting character already! A little like Highlander gone Kurosawa film. "Nahh, I think I got it..." He tried again, but the pool noodle still missed the button. "Okay so maybe not. You would think they would make these things for just such an occasion." Hmmmm, now there was a thought...


v_tepes_cruz July 23 2008, 00:24:47 UTC
"Inconsiderate of them, I'll admit," Soma said, fighting back a smile. "But giving them that capability would make them a little too dangerous for proper pool noodle combat, don't you think?" Then again, it wasn't like pools were high on anyone's list of priorities right now. Were there even any left? Shrugging and abandoning the line of thought, Soma tagged the 'up' button. "Need a hand with some of that?" he asked, indicating the double armload of... well, charitably they could be called craft supplies. Maybe.


itsjustashow August 1 2008, 16:10:39 UTC
"Mmmmm suppose so. Or else someone'd just call it a tactical advantage." Arms races would be a whole lot more entertaining if restricted to water fights in the pool, Joel figured. He smiled in appreciation as Soma reached over and pressed the 'up' button for him.

He glanced back down at the armful of supplies as if just now realizing how cumbersome that might look. "Uhhh maybe just with the clay. Stuff's heavier than it looks, go figure," he finally admitted. "Thanks. So uh, what's your name?"


v_tepes_cruz August 7 2008, 17:50:32 UTC
"Wet dirt would tend to be heavy," Soma allowed, chuckling internally. "I'm Soma. And you?"

The stuff -was- heavier than it looked, Soma admitted to himself, but it wasn't anything he couldn't manage. With the elevator's 'ding', he held the door so the guy could get his burden inside, then followed, glad at least that he wasn't looking for something to do anymore.


itsjustashow August 8 2008, 16:45:35 UTC
Huh, 'wet dirt' was definitely an interesting name for sculpey. "Uhhh I dunno if they actually put dirt in it anymore. Mostly just plastic and chemicals and whatever makes it clay." To the question, he answered, "Well hi Soma, I'm Joel Robinson."

He followed the silver-haired young man inside, then realized he hadn't really had a plan on where he was going to set up shop. On the one hand, the top floors would have a great view of the city and anything potentially silly happening below. On the other, lower floors would be less stairs to climb. At least now he had a second opinion. "So which floor do you think I should press?"


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