(no subject)

Aug 24, 2008 20:35

::midweek announcements::

We can try to understand the New York Times’ effect on man
Whether you’re a brother or whether you’re a mother, you’re stayin’ alive

Well, it seems that nothing ever stays peaceful in Manhattan, and today is no exception. Midway through the week, George Weasley, Elphaba, Flonne, Flute, Starfire, Sora, Agent Spin, Rion Steiner, and Daryan Crescend all disappear, seemingly without a trace: no note, no indication of travel plans, and no warning. Where have they gone? Well, folks, that's a really good question.


A couple of quick OOC announcements:

When you guys apply for characters and get your acceptance e-mails, please don’t neglect to send the name of your character journal back to us as the e-mail asks. This should be the first thing you do, before joining any of the comms or friending the mod journal. This is really important for our organization, so don’t forget! Thanks.

And finally, update your f-lists with all our newer folks by copy-pasting the following into the Admin Console!

friend add dc_npc
friend add acted
friend add transposable
friend add pansmyman
friend add furiousmustard
friend add whoyagonacall
friend add kougapoison
friend add asitlooks
friend add bluecanopener
friend add clevermedic
friend add bendingquarters
friend add sharkkitty
friend add doctor_of_time
friend add avant_tonnerre
friend add cinnabonbonbonn
friend add whiteasbone
friend add worldlywisdom
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