Jun 14, 2010 19:32
You know how everyone says that one bad thing can ruin an otherwise good day? Well, yesterday I experienced the opposite.
As some of you may or may not know, my laptop is a whiny little bitch which breaks at every opportunity. This time it was the power supply connector-thingy, which basically meant plugging it in would not power the laptop or charge the battery. And it wasn't until the battery was stone dead that I realised there were things on there which I needed but didn't have backed up.
So yesterday, I thought I could go to the big computer shop a few miles away and they could put the battery into a non-broken computer for a couple of hours and charge it up a bit for me so that I could use use it to power my own laptop for long enough to get my files. Unfortunately the store didn't have a laptop in the shop that my battery would fit in, thus making it a pretty useless trip. However, on the way out I noticed the signs for Glasgow saying it wasn't that far away. So I figured I could drive to Glasgow and go to the Sony shop. Surely they'd have a computer which fit my battery, right? Unfortunately on the way there I got very, very lost, became stressed, drove badly and made a lot of fellow read-users mad at me. But I eventually got there after a couple of hours and a lot of crying.
So when I got to the Sony shop they didn't have an identical model to mine in the store. But the man who worked there said he would take it home and charge it in his computer which was the same model as mine and I could come in tomorrow (now today) and get it. After what had been a really crappy day this made me intensely happy, not just because my trip wasn't wasted, but because it was a reminder of what nice people there are out there who will help you even with no benefit to themselves.
And now I have my battery back all charged up and Sony are coming tomorrow to pick up my computer to take it to be fixed and all is good!
Also, while I was out today I decided to buy a new Classic Doctor Who DVD, since I hadn't gotten one in a while. I was torn between 'the Creature from the Pit' (because, despite her being my favourite companion, my collection only seems to contain one Romana story) or the 'Kings Demons'/'Planet of Fanservice Fire' box set. I decided on the latter, because I loves me some Fivey.
doctor who,
real life woes,
real life makes me happy