Unnecessary Spending FTW

Nov 16, 2009 20:28

So I just ordered Hensoukyoku from Japanese Amazon. With shipping and handling it came to (according to Yahoo currency converter) just over £42 which, admittedly is less than I had expected it to be but it's still a bit steep, I'll just think of it as an early Christmas present to myself.

Also, the e-mail said that they estimate to have it delivered by next Monday. Is that right? If so, they're really fast!

Now I just need to find someone who can read Japanese to translate it for me. And an Edward/Edoard/whatever-the-hell-his-name-is icon, I need one of those.

Isn't he pretty? Wouldn't expect anything less from Takemiya, really.

Also, I got Life of Brian on DVD yesterday for, like, £3 (so that totally justifies spending more than I really need to on manga).

hensoukyoku, monty python, keiko takemiya owns my life

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