Jonah's Onelinedrawing played at
The Boardwalk last Thursday. I bought tickets in advance, not sure why, as the place never sells out due to its remote location and high schoolish atmosphere. Let's see, I bet this was probably my 12th time or so seeing him, and though his set wasn't quite as long as it was the last time he played the Boardwalk (only 1 hour 45 minutes instead of 2.5 hours), it was still rather wonderful as always. Roy, Cardia and Decibully opened. Dan and I got there just as Roy was playing their last song, so we don't know much about them. The lead singer of Cardia had an amazing voice. The kind that pierces your soul, and then proceeds to get on your nerves. Dan thought their lyrics were cheesy, I thought some of their songs were, but the singer was damn talented anyway. I guess he and the other guitarist play music with Jonah a lot, and later when Jonah played, they helped out on quite a few songs. Next was Decibully and they were absolutely awesome. The lead singer had an interesting voice and reminded me of someone, not quite sure who. There were SEVEN people in the band, tons of instruments, and a lot of energy. I thoroughly enjoyed their set.
So Jonah played next, and unfortunately it seems as though he is playing more and more songs with a backup band the more times I see him. However, to be fair, the last two times I've seen him have been at the Boardwalk, which is a larger more rockish venue than I'm used to seeing him at (i.e.
The True Love). He mentioned he would try and book more shows in Sacramento now that he's all done with recording his new album and all that, and he said he would try to schedule a show or two at the True Love. all likelihood he'll be playing more quiet (yet powerfully awesome) solo stuff there, without the loud bandness, yeah.
So I can't quite remember all the songs he played. I know he started with the last song off his last album, Sixes, which was awesome because I believe it's probably one of the only songs I'd never heard him play live before. He then proceeded to play the first six songs or so off the new record, in order, because the mood struck him. After that he went into Your Letter and from there it was just a big bunch of goodness that I don't even want to recall because I'm saving that for myself.
At the show, I was thinking how I am always obsessing over him and sometimes I try and tell people about his music. Usually they don't understand why I think he's such a great musician, or what makes him so special and elevated above and beyond all other musicians, even ones with super good voices or lyrics or whatnot. So here, off the top of my head, are just some of the million reasons why I think Jonah is one of the most amazing musicians ever, and worth checking out for anyone who is not familiar with his music:
--there is ALWAYS a jonah song that will describe, most perfectly, the very mood or situation I am in at any given moment
--when shows sell out, he'll take the time to go play music after the show in the parking lot for those who couldn't get in, and usually he'll just play more to be nice, cuz he feels like it
--he sells all his merchandise on a sliding scale, and even when you can't afford the lowest price, he'll usually let ya have something. he trades for things as well
--he'll stop in the middle of a song, mid sentence usually, just to explain a lyric, expand on a feeling, or something or other, and then pick up right back where he left off
--one time at a show at the True Love during "Better Than This," he involved all 20 or so people in a group singing effort during the last long chorus part. it was AMAZING
--on the online message board at his website (which is not currently up as he is redoing his whole website), he personally responds to EVERY one of the posts that he recieves, no matter how many there are and no matter how busy he is
--he brings his little daughter to shows sometimes and makes an effort not to cuss in front of her
--on his latest album, there is a song that involves 4 generations of his family or so singing together
--he talks between and in the middle of most of his songs, and not about crap no one cares about. he's not so overtly political that he sounds preachy, yet not so apathetic so as he doesn't use his position to get a message out there.
--since his days singing for Far, he's been highly influential to sooo many musicians, many of which are super popular
--sometimes you can't help but crying at his shows (or just listening to his recorded music), as one boy at the concert the other day was
--his music is enough to turn any bad mood into a good one
--first time I saw him back at Bojangles, I saw him after the show and told him his set was wonderful. he gave me the biggest hug I've ever recieved from someone whose concert I went to, and actually, the ONLY person from a band or whatever that's given me a hug after. since then, I've recieved countless Jonah hugs : )
--he called his girlfriend from his cell phone in the middle of his set once, and he has also been known to chat with unfortunate fans who could not find a ride to the show, and lets them listen to his music via the phone.
--he plays birthday parties and weddings and never asks for more than cost of traveling and a place to stay. he's happy sleeping on your couches
--when he sings songs with no guitars or anything, his voice will absolutely blow you away.
--after the show at the boardwalk on Thursday, he still hadn't had time to play a lst requested song by a group of kids, Crush on Everyone, and he sat down on the front of the stage, pulled everyone close together, and proceeded to sing it a capella for all of us down in front.
--he'll take any request you throw at him, usually sending around papers for "thoughts."
--he mixes up songs and adds and changes lyrics and sings songs within songs. sometimes he just feels its time to go into another song, sometimes he is just trying to squeeze in bits of everything so everyone's requests are taken care of, and always it results in a completely unique show. i've never heard the same exact version of a song twice.
--he's not afraid to mess up, and quite often he'll admit "i haven't practiced this song in forever" and then will work it out on stage while still doing an amazing job
--i told him once that he was my therapy, and his music was one of the only things helping me get through a really bad breakup. he immediately pointed me in the direction of his latest shirt he thought i might want, explaning the significance of what it said and talked to me a bit about love and loss. i woulda bought that shirt anyway, he just made it that much more special
--he's goofy as hell and a giant dork
I guess I could really go on forever with this list, but I won't. I suppose now when someone asks 'well why do you like him so much?' I can just point them to the direction of this little ode to Jonah post, and they can read for themselves. of course, a million words couldn't adequately describe actually knowing him and his music, and even though i don't consider myself to be close to him in any way, his music is definitely something that's changed my life, as cheesey and lame as that sounds. anyway, here's some pictures from the other night....