Honey, I know, I know, I know times are changing; it's time we all reached out for the new...

Mar 29, 2005 15:44

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted. I have seen little reason to, really. It seems this L.J lark suits me better when i have something to angst about, namely in the romance department, but, for this moment, I don't. And I have been asked to post; so, post I shall.
Wow. Who would have thought that things would turn out the way they have. Certainly not me. I know my friends must get frustrated with me; I say that I have no romantic feelings for somebody, get close to them, and seemingly go back on everything that I have said! I really don't lie, and don't mean to be contrary; my feelings for people seem to grow with time, I need time to get to know a person without all the pressures being in a relationship can bring.
I hate writing about relationships here. It's like a permanent recorder of your feelings at a precise moment of time, which is both a blessing and a curse! It's cool to have such a moment-by-moment record of yourself in writing for posterity, but with hindsight being a fine thing, it's also pretty cringe-making when you realise how stupid you have been, how naive, how happy you thought you were and so on. Music does this to me too. Apparently smell, music and memories are stored close together in our brains and that is why one can trigger the other so scarily well. I love how music can act as a time machine.

The house has been sorted out a bit more now. Less boxes, more order. Which is good! I am by no means fussy, but I hate riotous disorder around me, a cluttered space, cluttered mind and all of that! So far, it seems we have made a good choice as far as units go. It is neither too noisy, too hot nor too cold. It is close to important people without being in their face, and a good distance from town. And the oven goes, which is a novelty I am enjoying. Too much it seems, as I have consumed far too many cheese scones today!
It's nice to live with somebody without flatmates here. I have been pretty lucky as far as flatmates go in my time, and in a way it's a bit sad that those times may have ended for good. But it is also good to be able to do whatever you like, wherever you like in a place without a queue for the oven, a crowd in front of the television, no space in the fridge and unwanted noise, or the need to be quiet when you don't want to be. The end of another era of my life, maybe.

My teacher aide job is pretty interesting. I am at a decile 1-2 school in the mornings, and a decile 10 school for CASPA in the afternoons. It's interesting, after hearing about the positives and negatives of each from somebody else's point of view while going through teacher's college, and now seeing it first-hand for myself. I have been asked in interviews in the past my opinion about low decile schools and have blahed on about how I think that all children have problems, regardless of which decile they belong to, the problems are just different. I really had no experience to back that up, but I believe it is actually more true than I'd imagined. My Merrin children have their problems alright, they just seem to be from totally different reasons than that of the Hornby kids. So many ways for parents to fuck up their children, even if they have the best intentions.

I have to go and think about dinner! The duties of a Domestic Goddess are never over! I will probably paint a picture too, the place needs personality! Suggestions for wanky painting titles always appreciated. Apparently actually SEEING the painting is totally unnecessary; the more unrelated the title, the better! ;-)
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