Tears and fears and feeling proud...

Dec 11, 2004 16:56

It's funny when you read the journal entries of other people and know exactly where they are coming from, especially when it is concerning people and places and actions and reactions to people and events that you know about first hand. It makes you think about all the time you have wasted feeling like you're very much alone, and that perhaps you ARE a little unhinged; over-reacting, and unreasonable, and expecting too much...then somebody else finds themself in that place, and writes it exactly as you would've told it, had you been able to bring yourself to write it down. Your heart goes out to those people, and you feel some kind of kinship, and thus a desire to tell how much of a relief it feels to just break free, and not be in a position where you can be hurt over and over again, but of course, in life people must make their own mistakes, and nobody wants to hear such "advice", especially not from people who have been directly involved in the past. So you just have to sit back and watch...

It's kind of nice to be single, right here, in this moment. I have gone past lonliness, as it really took some adjusting after not being single for very long at all, for much of my adult life. I have plenty of things to fill my life, plenty of people that fill certain aspects of my life; ones to philosophise with, ones to laugh with, ones to ground me, and ones who allow me to imagine and dream of things that I hope I will feel and become some day...
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