So I may have spent last night watching movies with my parents last night instead of doing this. I am good with this. Also, this is one of yesterday's things that made me happy.
Another thing is that I spent yesterday lounging around in my pjs reading Matthew Reilly books. They are highly addictive with their hyper-paced action and implausible plots.
I really can't remember anything else from yesterday, I didn't really do much.
Today I had a ball vacuuming in my t-shirt and undies, iPod cranked up, dancing and singing along at the top of my lungs.
Finally listening to my podcast of The Bugle made me happy. It involves John Oliver, of course it made me happy. Andy Zaltzman is also awesome, but there will always be a special place in my heart for John. On a related note,
. Why yes, it is a picture of John Oliver.
Storm! Better still, hail storm! It was amazing.
Oh! Falling over and managing not to spill any of the cashews in the bowl I was carrying. This was a rare feat for me, I tend to do as much damage as humanly possible with my clumsiness.