Recommen(2007.0621) Subaru's TEL

Jun 23, 2007 15:57

 Download Subaru's TEL audio file.

H:So what we gonna do about telephone, Yoko-san?
Y:Do we still have a time?
H:Yes we do.
Y:Then is Subaru okay to call?
H:Okay. Let's do it.What's he doing you guess today?
Y:I wonder if he answers. Here you go.
H:What's gonna be?
Y:Well we never know coz we're doing this without mention.
H:Possibly he's eating with his friends.
Y:Yeah. I guess I should call to Maru, too. To my surprise, he has the sulks when he's not called by this kind of situation. 
Y:If he's not called. REally. He goes "You made a phone call to Yasu..."...

(Phone calling)
Y:I wonder if he ansuwers. Unexpectedly Subaru doesn't answer the phone by number he doesn't know.
H:Well so if he notices that today is day of Recommen
(Sound of picked up the phone)

Y:It's me, it's me.
Y:It's me, you know.
S:Who the hell are you?!
Y:You're working very good in these days.
Y:You're working very good in these days.
S:Who is this?'s Yokoyama, Yokoyama.
Y:It's Radio, radio.
S:Is this Thursday!?
H:It's Thursday
H:What's wrong with you?
Y:Uwaaa.You sounded damn bad person!
H:You sounded bad person.It's scary!
S:Wait a second, hold a second.Wait a minute...
S:How am I gonna organize these troubles...

Y:I told you last week...
H:yes he did
Y:that I'm gonna make some phone calls
S:No, no. It's that
S:I correctly heard that
S:It's just that 
S:today we had TV location
S:And usualy
S:I go TV location with Murakami-kun.
H:that's right
S:But today, I was with Yasu-kun by chance
S:If I was with Murakamai, you say "I go doing Radio after this" and I remebers "Oh, it's Recommen day today." 
S:But I've totally forgotten--

Y:What are you doing now?
H:yeah, what are you doing?
S:Now, I'm drinking with my friend
H:Oh!that's great! That's very unusual that you're with friends!
Y:Is it really?
S:Yea, I am with friend, Ruka-kun from a band of Nightmare.
H:Ah!I've met him once?!
S:Ruka-cchi(-cchi is a part of nickname more casual than -San or -Kun. Its nuance is close to Tacchon's -chon) 
I'm having a drink with.
Y:A band?
S:On Sep 23th, they play in Budokan.
S:People come and join them.
S:I've done some commercial.HAHAHAHAHA
H:HAHAHAHAHA! I saw Subaru very kind to his friends!

Y:Eh?(very kind voice)
S:I bought ITASTO!
H:we don't need those information!
S:Have you bought it?
Y:I bought it, too.
Y:Of course I did.
S:Today while on TV location, at a game shop in Jiyuugaoka, I bought it.
H:(To Yoko)Now do your work. Ask him (about his solo)
S:What? What you said?
Y:Subaru, are you okay now to talk, that you're with friend?
S:It's fine

Y:Now in last week...
S:There're many other people here so I can't say something funny much
H:AHAHAHAHA!Right, you can't talk loud
Y:I know Subaru(you) talk very funny in those kind of situation, are you?
S:Yokop-chan. Don't say that.
Y:Here we go.

 Y:In last week,we were saying to ask members one by one
H:about your solo songs.
S:right, right, right
Y:We asked to Okura a littel while ago about his song.
Y:About Subaru(your) song, I've read your interviews about your solo on magazines and all.
Y:on magazine Subaru's(your) intereviews on it.
S:yes, yes
Y:I've read some interviews of you on magazine, on those you're said your song is very erotic so you said.
S:that's right
Y:I guess I read that on TV-Pia or something.
Y:Yes.What's about this? I'm gonna ask then.
Y:When I listen, oh Subaru please note you're on radio live now.
S:I know
Y:You know?
S:I won't blunder anynmore such as I did last time.
S:Really.I appologize.

Y:I'm interested in the line of "But it's already reach to the deep point."
H:That' s something strong impression leaves
Y:That lyric is what I really love. WHat's meaning in it?
S:Well...(laughs)How can I say...hmm I don't know. What is it
S:Hold a second. It means something like that you can't go back anymore.
Y:I've read and listened some of your songs and lyrics by now. You do those by your sense much of it, don't you?S:Do I really?
S:probably, it's that whenever I write lyric, I listened its melody at first.
Y:Right! And that make me more think that(subaru write song by sense). I feel you're writing by your sense.
Y:You're kind of genius.
H:He's got a great sense.
Y:You write fast.
S:Yes, yes, yes, yes
Y:It seems to both haveing meaning or not to have, on the other hand seems to not having meaning but have meaning.
S:It's something like that you can take its mieaning as you like
H:listner can have many images in it.
Y:So that, when I write lyric I put very deep meaning in it
H:you put some message in it.
Y:Like the one ONIGISHI(in F.T.O)
S:Ah, in You-chan's case
Y:Yes, yes, yes, yes. I write those kind of lyric as I don't care.
Y:Yasu is kind of in that way also. As I see.
Y:Something like "don't you think?". Subaru's lyric is something like "Is this right meaning? or is it a mystery?". Well I feel that probably from its melody also.

Y:From first lines I say

"Again the sun falls, 
What do I wish? 
what do I sing? 
my thought in hurry".

It's very meaningful.
Y:And after those four lines, it's only one word "LOVE". Isn't this great?
H:that's his sense
S:That's something like the sun of my hear falls down. And being wondering what to do.Wondering like what do I wanna do.But then suddenly Love has come.Kind of genelous myself has come.'s something like that. 
H:Basically LOVE is core of your lyric, isn't it? With Sibuyan's lyric?
S:Well yeah, so Capiton(Hina's name for lyric)think.
H:Murakami, you may call for now.
S:Oh sorry.
Y:Hmm."Brightness of now, unchanging heart, even though you're not satisfied but don't leave me".
S:Oh that part is...that now greatfuly I do many works, but be unchanged.I don't wanna be satisfied, but also don't wanna be left behind.
H:You feel irritated
S:I feel irritated
Y:Maintain the status quo is not good, you mean?
Y:isn't that mean you're seeing higher goal?
S:yea, that's right.
Y:Heee(impressed) isn't this great?
H:It's great. I never be possible to write lyric like Subaru's.
Y:me neither.
H:No. Something like this.
S:yes yes yes yes

Y:How long did it take to done?
S:It's less than an hour.
Y:Isn't it great?!
H:You were working on this till last, weren't you?
S:It's because its sound source was in foreign country, so I had to wait
H:Oh, so you couldn't write before you listen
S:On the other hand, I didn't start to write before I listen.
H:I see
S:I remained being out of thinking about it at all. And by inspiration of listening the melody, I wrote down all words that comes up my mind.
H:You're an artist..
Y:So that's how.
H:I see
H:Now we know more about songs then

Y:And now you're having dinner with male.
S:Yes, yes, yes, yes
Y:Great. What kind of conversation you do?
S:Well, it's very much about Kanjani8. 
H:HAHAHAHAHA. Is it really.
S:From band man's point of view,Johnnys are in mystery so they say.
S:there're many question for Johnnys. The things that Insiders like us know as natural like  "Johnny-san really says "YOU" when he calls you?" and those stuffs they wonder about.
H:Oh I see.They are like "Isn't that a fiction?"
S:they wanted to ask about it by any chance
Y:How did you meet Nightmare-san?
S:I have someone from a music magazine, and the person who does interview and those to Nightmare-san had a oppourtunity to go dinner together and something like that.
H:So you have a commone friend
Y:Then you two go out together then?
Y:How many time you go out together then?
S:It's second time today.
Y:That's good.
H:So you see each other after a long time
S:Yeah.We meet today after a long time.Yes.
Y:How old is he then?
S:He's older than me.(To Ruka)How old are you?
S:He's 28
Y:Oh you talk that frank and casual? 
S:Yeah. He's on diet for now.
Y:Isn't that a lie? I'm on my way back gaining weight now.
S:(to Ruka)Oh, Yokoyama-san is gaining weight again....He's laughing hard.
Y:See I can make people laugh even on the phone.
H:Only you two are laughing.
Y:I thought it's wonderful.

Y:Well anyway it's great!
H:(to Subaru)Yeah it's good for you
Y:It's very impressive and surprise that Subaru(you) go dinner for second time.
H:It is. It's good.
S:I just happened to be given a phonecall today
H:Oh so he asked you to go out.
S:Yes, he asked me to go out
H:That's good
Y:So you talk something about music also?
S:yes we do
Y:Alright then. Maybe we call you again.
S:What? tonight?
H:Yeah. We've got a time. It's till one o'clock, you know.
S:Oh no, I think that was enough.
Y:Now listen. what I want to tell you is that
Y:"Don't get carried away".
S:.....What? me?
Y:To all.Whenver it is, be ready to action.
H:He seems willing to say "Don't relax too much".
S:No, I'm not carried away.
H:You care that part.
S:Why's you say like that? Would you stop it?
Y:I'm sorry, I'm sorry
S:Why the hell you said "Don't carried away".
S:hey yo
H:Well sorry for interreputing you on your dinner. Say Hi to Nightmare-san for us.
S:What? what? You wanna talk to him?
Y:Oh really?
H:Well then, let's say hello to him...What about gurantee?

H:Hello.Long time no see.. 
Ruka:Long time no see 
H:this is Shingo Murakami from Kanjani8 
Y:Hello, I'm Yokoyama. 
H:Last time we met is where nearby ex-the Defense Agency... 
Ruka:That's right 
H:Excuse me for my long silence. 
Ruka:Excuse me for my long silence. 
H:I'm sorry to bother you by this long telephone when you asked and take our Subaru to dinner. 
Ruka:It's no problem 
Y:Excuse me, if you may, would you do something funny? 
Ruka:Something funny...?(laughs) 
H:I'm sorry! I'm sorry!I will scold him later! 
Y:I'm really sorry I said that without thinking.
H:I'm really sorry.This is on live
Y:I'm sorry.
H:We're the ones who carried away.
Y:I'm sorry that I carried away. And you play on 23rd of September. 
Ruka:That's right. 
H:at Budokan 
Y:I will go if it's possible.
Ruka:Yes, if you like.
Y:Thank you.
H:So then please be good friend with our Subaru.
Ruka:Now I hand him the phone
Y:Isn't that great? Aren't we doing something great on raio?
S:It seems unique
Y:Oh no, I'm feeling scary that I'll get scolded by many people.
S:Why's that? It's something good to have relationship like this.
H:Say sorry to him about "Do something funny".
S:(to Ruka)They sorry about asking you to do something funny.
Y:Okay Subaru, I say this again maybe we will call you later again.
Y:We don't know wether we call you or not, but if it's possible, then we do.
S:..wait..I need you to decide.
S:We don't know where to go next and...
H:Enjoy your dinner
S:Oh really?
Y:Thank you Subaru!
H:Thank you!
Y:I'll call you later!
S:I'm must be going now
Y:Subaru, Subaru?
Y:Take ITASTO with you tomorrow!
S:I'll take it tomorrow
H:Do mail or something later!!
S:(laughs)I'll take my ITASTO tomorrow
Y:Okay!I got it!Honjane-

-the end-

recommen, subaru, yoko, sanbaka, hina

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